Ulysses Andrade, 87, of Rockland passed away peacefully on February 14, 2025, surrounded by his loving family.
Born October 27, 1937 to the late Jose and Inez (Neves) Andrade. Loving husband of Wilma (Kirchner) Andrade and devoted father of Joseph Andrade of Rockland, Michael and Mary Andrade of Plymouth, and Derek and Candace Andrade of Pembroke. Proud grandfather of Vinny, David, Steven, Aidan, Maddy, Noah, Logan and great grandfather of Lucas.
Caring brother of the late John Andrade, Alfred Andrade, Maria Lopes, Dulcinea and Joseph DeFaria, Julieta and Jack DeFaria, Joseph Andrade, and John and Justa Silva. Proud uncle of many nieces and nephews, great nieces and great nephews.
Ulysses had several nicknames including Andy and Icha. Born in Brava, Cape Verde, Andy immigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and attended night school where he learned the language of English. He went on to work as a machinist for Norfolk Conveyor for many years. Ulysses was an avid gardener who took great pride in his manicured lawn and beautiful flowers. Once his flowers bloomed and his vegetables ripened, he took pleasure in sharing them with family and friends. He was a passionate golfer who enjoyed many seasons on the golf course with his wonderful friends. He found great joy in teaching his children and grandchildren how to swing a club. In addition to having a lawn that many would envy and flowers that were prize worthy, he was a talented ukulele player. He particularly enjoyed getting together at the Ideal Club with his musical group, “Frank and the Boys” where they livened up many gatherings. Above and beyond all of his hobbies and wonderful talents, his family and friends will forever remember him as a good, caring man. He will always be cherished by his family and friends.
Visitation will be held on Wednesday, February 19 th from 4pm to 7pm at the Blanchard Funeral Chapel, 666 Plymouth St., Whitman, MA. Family and friends may gather at the funeral home at 8:15 on Thursday, February 20 th to proceed to Holy Family Church, 403 Union St., Rockland MA for a 9:00AM Mass.
In lieu of flowers, donations in Ulysses’ memory may be made to the Norwell Visiting Nurses and Hospice, 120 Longwater Drive, Norwell MA, 02061.