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Arlene Nyman (Donovan)
January 23, 2025


Nyman, Arlene (Donovan) passed on January 23rd, 2025 at the age of 85. She lived most recently in Andover, MA with her daughter, Amy Beth and Son-in-Law, Allan Baron. She had also lived much of her life in Revere (over 20 years) and Melrose (32 years). She was born and raised in Chelsea, MA graduating Chelsea High School in 1956 and then going on to graduate from The Chandler School for Women as a Medical Secretary.

Arlene always said that one of her happiest times in her life was attending Camp Menorah as a child. She loved traveling all over the world including to New York City and going to the theater. She always managed to get the best seats. She loved the plays, the musicals, the singing & dancing. Anthony Quinn threw a rose to her when she stood clapping as he was taking a bow after performing in New York’s Zorba the Greek.

Mom was an avid reader all her life. She also enjoyed jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles and adult coloring (she never colored outside the lines). She always watched the BBC and PBS dramas and mysteries. She was a faithful Red Sox fan since the age of 13 listening to the games on the radio with her father.

She loved to garden and was also a lover of fine art and a member of the Museum of Fine Art. She was a brownie leader for her daughter, Amy Beth’s girl scouts’ brownies troop.

She loved all animals especially, Eli, a golden doodle, whom she adored while living with daughter and son in law. She loved when he would kiss her whole face.

Arlene worked for many years at Lord & Taylor department store. She also worked for Madelyn Garcia Real Estate as a secretary/receptionist until she retired at the age of 73. She loved this job.

Arlene is survived by her beloved daughter, Amy Beth and devoted son-in-law, Allan Baron of Andover, her grandchildren Mariah Baron-Barrett and Alexander Baron, both of Vermont, her great grandchildren, Oliver Barrett and Otto Baron. She also leaves her sister, Sandra Maddeford of Chelsea and her sister, Brenda and her husband, David Berkeley of Sarasota, Florida, her cousins Harvey and his wife, Laurie Berzon of Florida and Barry Schwartz and his wife, Terri of Florida.

Arlene was the daughter of the late Harry and Sonia Nyman of Chelsea. She is predeceased by her husband, Donald J. Donovan, her sister, Lorraine Merritt of Billerica and her brother, Sidney Nyman of New York and Florida.

Private graveside services were held in Everett and led by Rabbi and Cantor, Oksana Chapman and organized by Torf Funeral Home of Chelsea. There will be no shiva.

Arlene was a kind and generous woman. She regularly donated to many charities. If you would like to send a donation, please consider St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the ASPCA, and the Wounded Warriors.

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Torf Funeral Service
151 Washington Avenue
Chelsea, MA 02150
617-889-2900 / 800-428-7161