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Richard Red
December 19, 2024


PORTER- Richard A. Red, age 63, passed away on Dec. 19, 2024, at a dear friend's home in Porter.
Richard Red lived a long life by some standards and a short one by others. During the first 20 years of his life he had the mobility that most of us enjoy. After a tragic accident he was confined to a wheelchair or his bed for the next 43 years. Six decades seems a life too short but four decades restricted in movement as he seemed pretty long. For those of us that knew him, Richard had a vitally important message: live your days as they come. In all those many years, he never complained about his fate. During visits he was invariably funny, insightful, thoughtful, generous and kind to us. His movement and activities were limited but his attitude wasn’t. We’re not sure how he stayed upbeat but will always be grateful that he did.
Following the accident, Richard had many caregivers. Foremost among them was his mother, Diane, who cared for him in her home and also traveled many, many days and nights to various apartments in Westbrook, Fryeburg and Cornish, enabling him some measure of independence. When she couldn’t be there his father, Ray, would provide care. And there were many, many others who provided the in-home care that he needed just to live. Richard overflowed with gratitude for these many angels in his life and if he were here now he could provide a more complete list. If any of you is reading he’d want you all to hear: thank you.
Then there’s Heather. Heather Edwards was Richard’s caregiver for 19 years. When, early on, she brought her new son, Chandler, to meet Richard, she placed the baby seat on his bed and he said, in his classic lighthearted style, “You brought me a baby and I didn’t get you anything.” To be more complete, from that first year, Heather gave Richard so much more than just a glimpse at her family and his required care. She invited him into her home and cared for him like family for more than five years. Who is ever this kind? Richard was there as family as the children grew up. Together they welcomed pets, shared in joys, laughed and talked life over. Along with Lynn and Vicki, also loving caregivers in Richard’s last years, Heather made sure all of Richard’s needs were met after Diane wasn’t able to anymore. Family. Richard graduated from Bonny Eagle High School in 1979. He lived much of his life in Steep Falls. Before the accident he loved being outside in Maine. During his adult years he loved music, followed sports teams, played video games, read, and thought. You could talk with him and he had insight - it was sometimes surprising how he kept up with life’s goings-on when he was so limited in mobility. Those of us who knew him will miss all of that. And, of course, the positivity. If he could be upbeat despite the cards he was dealt, who are we to complain? We’ll always be grateful for that gift from him.
Richard is survived by his mother Diane, sisters Pat and Wynn, brother-in-law Paul, nephew Nathaniel, nieces Resa, Allyson, and Jenny, and by his other family: Heather, Anthony, Janoah, Chandler, and grandchildren. Richard was predeceased by his father, Ray.
A celebration of his life will be arranged in the spring when it’s warmer and we can be outdoors. That’s how he would have wanted it to be. We hope you can attend.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Poitras Funeral Homes,

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Poitras, Neal & York Funeral Home & Cremation Service
71 Maple Street (Rt 25)
Cornish, ME 04020