Stephen. A. Masiello, age 68 passed away peacefully in his sleep on December 5, 2022. He leaves his wife Judy A. Masiello, of Worcester, daughter, Jillian Masiello, of New York City and son Dominic Masiello of Worcester, grand-daughter, Elysa Muniz-Masiello and his two grandchildren, Steffon and Stephen, all of Worcester.
He was pre-deceased by his twins, son , Stephen, A. Masiello, Jr. and daughter, Stephanie S Masiello, both of Worcester. He graduated from Athol Memorial High School.
He was employed with Jamesbury Corporation until his retirement.
Stephen was a loyal friend to many, devoted to his family and always enjoyed spending quality time with his loved ones.
A funeral service will be held at Notre Dame Mausoleum Chapel, 162 Webster St. on Thursday December 22, 2022 at 12:00 pm.