James Robert Goodrich, known as Jimmy or Jim by his loved ones, passed unexpectedly at the age of 64 alongside his brother, David P. (Dave) Goodrich, in Woburn, MA on Sunday, August 29, 2021. He was born in Cambridge, MA and was the son of Rose (Iozzo) Goodrich of Medford and the late Robert Goodrich.
Jim attended Medford Vocational High School and graduated with his high school diploma. He worked in the printing industry for 7 years before moving to the West Coast to work for Ferrari Management in Los Altos, CA for the last 18 years and retired just three weeks prior to his passing.
Jim was truly the life of every party, the loudest voice, the most boisterous laugh, and he always came with the funniest jokes and stories. He was always the voice that floated through every room and it was easy to be drawn to his immensely warm and kind personality. He loved golfing (as well as he could), drinking Bud Lights with his loved ones, eating good food, and talking about his family.
In addition to his mother Rose, Jim is survived by his beloved children; son Jimmy Lynch and his wife Jessica Jackson-Lynch, his daughters Jessica Lynch and Suzie Goodrich, granddaughters Ariana Lynch and Ava Moreno, and his great-granddaughter Juliana Gobis. He is further survived by his brothers; Richard Goodrich, John Goodrich, Daniel Goodrich and his wife Jaime.
Family and friends are respectfully invited to attend memorial visiting hours at the McLaughlin - Dello Russo Family Funeral Home, 60 Pleasant St., Woburn, Saturday, September 4th, from 2 to 6 p.m. A Celebration of their wonderful lives will follow.