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January 14, 2021


Rodolpho Meira Sobrinho, age 66 of Framingham, Massachusetts, passed away peacefully on Thursday, January 14, 2021. Rodolpho is survived by his loving wife Olivia Campos Meira; his daughter, Isabelle Meira-Silva and her husband, Paolo Silva; his grandson, Albert Meira Silva; his son, Guilherme (Will) Meira and wife, Shiri Tsour; and his two granddogs Bond and Gypsy. Born in Baixo Guandu, Espirito Santo, Brazil on October 16, 1954, he was the son of Joao Meira and Martha Schwanz Meira.

Rodolpho grew up in Campo Grande, Cariacica, ES. With his family among two brothers and five sisters. He attended Colegio Americano Batista de Vitoria for a technical degree in clinical and chemical laboratories and went on to start his bachelor’s degree in Economics at the Faculdade de Colatina. Olivia and Rodolpho were married in 1981 and raised their kids at their house in Campo Grande until 1996, when Rodolpho migrated to the US. He soon brought his family to join him and they set up residence in Framingham, MA.
Having decided to make the US his permanent home, he bought a house on Old Conn. Path in 2003. It became his favorite place. He would spend countless hours in the shed and garage fixing motors and disassembling scrap metal for recycling. In the US he watched his kids grow up, graduate, get married and begin their families. He was also a member of the New Life Church.

It was a great accomplishment for his life to finally became a US citizen in 2019. He retired in October 2020 from the job he mostly enjoyed doing, recycling for Voltech Electric.

His immediate family will gather to honor and remember Rodolpho at a small memorial on Saturday, January 30, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at his residence. The memorial will be broadcast through ZOOM for friends and family that cannot attend due to COVID-19 restrictions. The Zoom meeting ID follows:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 0444 9770
Passcode: jWGw9B

Rodolpho Meira Sobrinho, na idade de 66 anos residente de Framingham, Massachusetts, faleceu em paz na quinta-feira, dia 14 de janeiro de 2021. Rodolpho deixa sua amada esposa Olivia Campos Meira; sua filha, Isabelle Meira-Silva e marido, Paolo Silva; seu neto, Albert Meira Silva; seu filho, Guilherme (Will) Meira e sua esposa, Shiri Tsour; e seus cachorros netos Bond e Gypsy. Nascido em Baixo Guandu, Espirito Santo, Brasil no dia 16 de outubro de 1954, ele era filho de Joao Meira e Martha Schwanz Meira.

Rodolpho cresceu em Campo Grande, Cariacica, ES. Com sua familia entre dois irmaos e cinco irmas. Ele cursou os cursos tecnicos de laboratorio quimico e clinico, no Colegio Americano Batista de Vitoria e continuou sua educacao na faculdade de Colatina para bacharel em economia. Olivia e Rodolpho se casaram em 1981 e criaram seus filhos na sua casa em Campo Grande ate o ano de 1996 quando Rodolpho imigrou para o EUA. Logo trouxe a sua familia para encontra-lo e decidiram residir em Framingham, MA. Apos fazer a decisao de permanecer no EUA permanentemente, ele comprou uma casa na Old Conn. Path em 2003. Essa casa se tornou seu local favorito. Ele passava horas no seu quintal (“shed”) e em sua garagem consertando motores e desmontando ferro velho para reciclagem. No EUA ele viu seus filhos crescerem, graduarem, se casarem, e comercar as suas familias. Ele tambem foi membro da New Life Church.

Uma grande conquista de sua vida foi se tornar cidadao americano em 2019. Ele se aposentou em outubro de 2020 do trabalho que mas gostava de fazer, reciclagem para a Voltech Electric.

Sua familia imediata se reunira para lembra-lo em um pequeno memorial no sabado dia 30 de janeiro das 14:00 - 15:00 da tarde na sua residencia. O memorial sera transmitido pelo ZOOM para amigos e familiares que nao podem estar presents em prou das restricoes do COVID-19. O endereco da reuniao do ZOOM segue abaixo:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 0444 9770
Passcode: jWGw9B

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Casper Funeral Services
187 Dorchester Street
Boston, MA 02127