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May 31, 2020


a+a Valerijos Girniuvienes laidotuves:

1) Ši penktadieni, 18:00-20:00, PRIVACIOS šermenys (del viruso, kvieciame tik šeimos ir gimines narius) pas Casper Funeral Home, South Boston

2) ATVIROS Mišios Švento Petro bažnycioje, South Boston, šeštadieni, 10:00. Tarpusavio atstumui išlaikyti, vienu laiku bažnycioje gales buti 50-55 žmoniu.

3) Laidotuves Immaculate Conception Convent kapinese šeštadieni, 12:30

Valeria Girnius funeral:

1) On Friday, 18:00-20:00, a PRIVATE wake at the Casper Funeral Home in South Boston. (Because of virus, we are inviting only immediate family and close relatives.)

2) OPEN Mass at St. Peter Church, South Boston, Saturday, 10:00. To adhere to social distancing requirements, only 50-55 persons will be allowed inside the church at any given time.

3) The burial will be on Saturday, 12:30, in the Immaculate Conception Convent cemetery (Putnam, CT)

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Casper Funeral Services
187 Dorchester Street
Boston, MA 02127