Rosemary Grimberg Esquivel, born on August 1, 1940, raised in Williamsport, PA; died April 24, 2020 West Medford, Massachusetts. Ms.Grimberg Esquivel’s education included Mount Saint Agnes, Baltimore, Maryland; Pennsylvania State University; Universidad de Madrid, Spain; Oxford University, England and Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Rosemary Grimberg Esquivel was a life-long learner, educator, equestrian enthusiast, sailing enthusiast, skiing enthusiast, swimmer, civil rights advocate, devoted parent, and active grandparent. Her favorite places were Camp Bernadette, Wolfeboro, NH; The Mystic Lakes, Medford Senior Center, Winchester Library, Harvard Coop, Myopia Polo Club, and Palm Beach, Florida.
Ms.Grimberg Esquivel started her career as a school teacher in Maryland where she fondly counted actress, Goldie Jeanne Hawn, as one of her many beloved students.
Ms.Grimberg Esquivel went on to serve her country operating a Catholic Charities Recuperation and Rehabilitation Center for U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam Conflict.
Ms.Grimberg Esquivel dedicated her life to the preservation and enforcement of civil rights and building infrastructure that improved the quality of urban living and the environment. Ms.Grimberg Esquivel was extremely proud of her work as a consultant for the Department of Health, Education, & Welfare; an investigator and conciliator for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and as the Director for Civil Rights and Project Program Manager of Capital Development and Grants for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration.
Ms.Grimberg Esquivel was a writer, program producer, director, and board member of Medford Community Cable. Her productions included: “Medford High School Girls Basketball”, “Show Biz Is”, “St. Raphael’s Girls Basketball”, “Medford High School Football”, and “Senior Citizens Prom”. Ms.Grimberg Esquivel’s publication was, “A Study In Supply and Demand: Why High Tech Can’t Ignore Women Engineers “.
Ms.Grimberg Esquivel was the President of the Boston based Professional Council and an active member of the Penn State Alumni Association, Harvard Dames, New England Transit Club, National Organization of Women, League of United Latin American Citizens, ToastMasters International, Medford Boat Club, Capitol Speakers Club, Harvard Business School Wives’ Association, and Myopia Polo Club.
Ms.Grimberg Esquivel’s awards included Vice President Al Gore’s National Performance Review, U.S. DOT Silver Medal, U.S. Civilian Service Medal, Gubernatorial Scholarship, and Saint Clare High School’s Most Enthusiastic Parent Award.
Most of all, Ms.Grimberg Esquivel loved her two daughters, Rosalie Esquivel Jones and Elizabeth Esquivel. Ms.Grimberg Esquivel is survived by her two daughters and their families; Rosalie Esquivel Jones (spouse: Kim Jones), and Elizabeth Esquivel, her grandchildren Anderson Esquivel Jones, Quinlan Esquivel Jones, Rosemary Brynn Hofstedt, Conrad Alden Hofstedt, and William Grimberg Hofstedt. Her siblings are Alice Grimberg Hall, Paula Grimberg Plofchan, William Grimberg (deceased), Judith Grimberg Allen, and John Grimberg (deceased).