In Taunton, Thomas “Joe” Horgan, Age 92, passed away peacefully in his home following a lengthy illness. Thomas leaves his beloved wife Helen (Sikorski) Horgan of Taunton. Thomas was born in Effingham, NH, the son of the late Thomas D. & Catherine (Burns) Horgan. Thomas was educated in Taunton schools and a graduate of Taunton High School and Bryant College in RI. He served his country honorably in the U. S Navy during WWII. Thomas was employed as a claims investigator for the Equifax Insurance Company and later worked for the American Auto Auction in Taunton. Thomas was a past Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus. He enjoyed traveling with his wife to Europe, reading, antique cars, WWII history and had a strong faith in God and his country. Thomas was the brother to the late Robert B. Horgan and June Carvalho. He also leaves his sister in laws, Blanche Ryan and Marilyn Sikorski, his niece Susan “Kitty” Berry of Taunton, several nieces and nephews and his late niece Joan Harris of VT. Funeral services are private at the request of the family.