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Br. Alberic O'Connor
August 03, 2015


SPENCER – Br. Alberic O'Connor, O.C.S.O. of St. Joseph's Abbey, passed away peacefully in the abbey's infirmary on the morning of August 3rd after having suffered greatly from leukemia over the course of several years. Born Frederick Joseph O'Connor, in Bedford, Massachusetts, on September 30, 1930, he was the son of Thomas F. and Grace (née Biggerstaff) O'Connor. He graduated from Keith Academy in Lowell, Massachusetts, and later earned a Master of Divinity degree from Sacred Heart School of Theology, Hales Corners, Wisconsin.
On June 19, 1948 he entered the Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley in Lonsdale, Rhode Island, and transferred with the monastic community in 1950 to St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer. He pronounced his solemn vows in 1953.
Over the span of sixty-seven years in monastic life Br. Alberic faithfully served St. Joseph's Abbey as dairyman of the herd of cows, in the Trappist Preserves kitchen, the retreat house, the laundry and as telephone operator and refectorian. He also assisted the Trappistine nuns of Mount St. Mary's Abbey in Wrentham as a dairyman to their herd of cows, and he contributed to the up-building of the newly-established Holy Cross Abbey in Berryville, Virginia.
The youngest of his siblings, Br. Alberic was predeceased by his sisters, Sr. Grace, (a member of the religious order of the Sisters of Charity–Halifax) and Mary, and his brothers, James and William. In addition to his monastic brothers, he is survived by his nieces, Lorraine, Roxanne and Eileen and his nephew James, and their families.
Always robust and energetic, Br. Alberic's true strength rested in the long hours he spent in the stillness of personal prayer. His monastic brothers wish to thank the lay staff at St. Joseph's Abbey infirmary for the dedicated care they gave him in his final years. With gratitude for the gift of his presence among us, the monks commend Br. Alberic's soul to your prayers. There are no calling hours. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Joseph's Abbey on Saturday, August 8th, at 10 A.M. Burial is in the abbey cemetery. J. HENRI MORIN & SON FUNERAL HOME, 23 Maple Terrace, Spencer, 508-885-3992, is directing arrangements.

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J. Henri Morin & Sons Funeral Home
23 Maple Terrace
Spencer, MA 01562