9/30/2006 Donna Hardy
Water Valley, MS,
I am so sorry to hear about Regina. She and I were best friends growing up. She will be missed very much. May God bless all her family.
10/2/2006 Pat Croisant
Oxford, MS, USA
"Chip", Lottie Faye, Maxine, & Mrs. Elizabeth, Our hearts are broken also. Regina was like a daughter to us. She was, and is, dearly loved. I will always remember the "good times" we had working together caring for the sick at the hospital. We don't understand these tragedies that happen to us all, but we do know that God is in control and that He never makes a mistake. May God comfort you and fill the vacancy left in your heart, life, and home with His love and peace. I will miss her so much! With Our Love & Sympathy, Bill & Pat Croisant
10/4/2006 KIM GOSLIN
I am Steve Fielder's cousin. I am so sorry for your loss. I just heard about this accident.
10/5/2006 Jo Raley
Bruce, MS, USA
Chip, I have enjoyed the friendship of your family for as long as I can remember, and a fine family they are. You can be proud. AND Chip, Lottie Faye, Maxine & Marty, and Mrs. Byars, I just want each of you to know that I care.