3/2/2011 Fr. Richard J. Donovan, OFM
Waltham, MA, USA
I am sorry to hear of Tom's death... my prayrs go out to his family and friends. I will say a Mass for Tom and his family at my church. God Bless! Richard Fr. Richard J. Donovan, ofm '70

3/2/2011 Paul Olson
West Roxbury, Ma,
To the Sculley family, I just learned of Butch's passing and want to offer my condolences to all of you. I'll always have fond memories of playing B-ball with him and many other friends @ the fields, St. T's & the WRCC. God bless him! Paul

3/2/2011 Mike Flaherty
Millis, MA, USA
My condolences on the lost of Tom. Butchie was my baseball buddy/catcher for Parkway National, thru CM and St Theresa's CYO. Although our paths have not crossed in close to 40 yrs, I will always remember him with his big smile, and tons of nervous energy. Rest in Peace old friend.

3/2/2011 Jack Harrington
West Roxbury, Ma, USA
To: Thomas L Dear Tom, I was so surprised and sad to read of Tom's death in the Globe today. We were friends. As you know I visited him several times at the hospital and the Altenheim. He had been through so much, but I had no idea that he was near death. Please accept my sincere sympathy. You were a wonderful and caring father. Sincerely, Jack Harrington

3/3/2011 Mary Burke
Storrs, CT, USA
To Tom and family, My mother Gertie Melia Burke and I and all our family were very sad to hear of Butch's passing. My mother will be in the US in June and she and I will come and offer our condolences in person then. Mary

3/3/2011 Steve Casey
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Tom/Butch , you were a great classmate and Basketball teamate at CM and St. Theresa's CYO. Many good times and humorous moments spent growing thru High School with you and the West Roxbury Delegation. Your humor and leadership are not forgotten, in my thoughts and prayers. Rest In Peace!

3/4/2011 Joe Duffey
, ,
I was saddened to hear of Tom's death. I have many fond memories of Butch in our younger years as friends, teammates and neighbors. Please extend the condolences of the Duffey family to all the Scullys. Sincerely, Joe Duffey

3/4/2011 jennifer waruszyla
pelham NH, NH , united states
TO the sculley family i am sorry to hear of the loss of a loved one please accept my condolences.

3/8/2011 Jim Jordan
West Roxbury, MA, USA
May God bless my friend Tom. He was an excellent man of high morals and an inspiration to me in many ways. He will be missed by all who knew him. My condolences to his children and his Dad.



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