Wayne, you fought the good fight. We will all miss your smile, your laughter, your love of life, your courage, your good nature, your gift of friendship. You touched many people in your lifetime and you will never be forgotten. Rest easy in the hands of the Lord my friend.....

Posted: 10/24/2010 by Carol Garvey of Worcester, MA, USA

For Hazel, Judy & Randy, With All my love, Heather xo If you could see me now you wouldn’t shed a tear. Though you may not understand why I’m no longer there. Remember my spirit that is the real me because I’m still very much alive, I’ve just been set free,if you could only see! I have beheld our Father’s face and I’ve touched my Savior’s Hand. All of Heaven’s angels rejoiced as I entered the promisedland. Beyond the gates of pearl I’ve walked on the golden streets. I’ve touched the walls of jasper and dipped my foot in the crystal sea. The beauty is beyond words and nothing could compare, I’ve even seen your mansion and someday. I’ll meet you there. Let Jesus be your guide because His Word will show you the way! So please don’t cry because we will meet again someday. -By Patsy Stambaugh Deskins

Posted: 10/24/2010 by Christian & Heather LaVenture of Worcester, Ma,

We never got the chance to meet "Wayne-pa," but what he called the "Mary Poppins family" got to talk to him over the computer. We used to laugh a lot on the "phone." I wish I had called just one more time.

Posted: 10/24/2010 by Syreeta Peddlesden of London, , GB

To the Ellis Family, Prayers and Condolences on your loss. I remember Wayne from the times he attended the Men's breakfasts at Greenville Baptist Church. I know that I had met him many years ago when I played in my Country Band but not that vividly. I do remember he was easy going and a very likeable guy.

Posted: 10/24/2010 by Earl Beals of Oxford, Ma., United States

Judy, I am so sorry to hear of Wayne's passing. It certainly has been a very difficult few years for you. God's peace to you and your families.

Posted: 10/24/2010 by Barbara S. Day of Oxford, MA, USA

To the family and friends of Wayne, I am sorry I did not get to know him longer than I have, which was only a few months before He and Judy we're married He was a great guy to be around, and alot ot fun to be with, he will surely be missed by myself, and all the other members of the phoenix rize'n band, as a matter of fact I used to call him son, private joke, of coarse. I'm known to almost everyone as Butch

Posted: 10/24/2010 by Andrew Weherell of FRANKLIN, MA,

Remembering you today Sincerely, Ellen Incorvati Aukstikalnis

Posted: 10/24/2010 by Ellen Incorvati Aukstikalnis of Worcester, MA, US

Dear Ellis family, I am deeply saddened to hear of Wayne's passing. I've always thought fondly of him and all the whole Ellis family. We may never see each other again in this life, but I've never forgotten you all and never will! Love, Julie

Posted: 10/25/2010 by julie Betrovski of mineral point, Wisconsin, usa

I am so sorry for your loss. May the memories you shared comfort you as well as reading John 11:38-44.

Posted: 10/26/2010 by CDP of , , US

What a wonderful picture of Wayne. The happy and loving Wayne we remember and love and miss. I met Wayne at church in North Woodstock and through the years sharing, worshiping and being part of the church family meant so much to all of us. I give thanks to God for allowing me the time I had to know Wayne and to pray for him and know for certain that Wayne is with the Lord. Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted. May God comfort you now and in the days ahead. Ginny Sears

Posted: 10/26/2010 by Ginny Sears of Woodstock, CT, USA

Randy, I'm so sorry to hear of Wayne's passing and will always remember the good times with him at Chase. My thoughts are with you and your family. Best regards, Linda

Posted: 10/26/2010 by Linda Swift of Shrewsbury, MA, USA

I met Wayne while going to our little church in North Woodstock. Wayne and I had a bonding friendship from the start. He was a down to earth, rugged, honest, very good man, and very intelligent indeed. Wayne taught me a lot, more than I knew at the time. His philosophy was this, and I quote from Wayne himself, “It’s very simple, trust God.” I remember one time I was sharing with the Pastor a problem I was having, and Wayne came over, and told me to just give it up to God. At that time I didn’t get the powerful impact of his advice. Over time, however, those words of truth began to play out in my life. Yet, it was not until I visited Wayne toward the end of his journey here on earth that I captured his point completely. There was Wayne lying there, very physically ill, yet so filled with the Holy Spirit and with a peace about him we all only dream we could have. And amidst the warm, loving atmosphere of the friendship in Christ I shared with Judy and Wayne, he said, “It’s really very simple, we just need to give it all to God”. Even at this most difficult time, Wayne was blessed with God’s wisdom and peace. I left there feeling the power of friendship from God’s Love. Though the Ellis family will miss Wayne always, I know in my heart they will prevail, because it is Love that is the greatest of all. May God bless the Ellis family and bring much comfort at this time of grieving, and may they keep Wayne’s wonderful Spirit in their hearts forever. And now I say three words to all of you, the only words Wayne said to me my last visit with him, God Bless you!

Posted: 10/27/2010 by Laurie of Woodstock, CT, USA

We'll always remember the fun and crazy times with Wayne. I've enjoyed all the stories Kenny has told me about the wild and crazy times he had with Wayne in thier younger days. Keep an eye on your seat Wayne!!!! Love, Ken and Doreen

Posted: 10/27/2010 by Kenny and Doreen of Newbury, NH,

Judy, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Laurie

Posted: 11/2/2010 by Laurie of Milford, MA,

I just read your message this morning.and heard about your loss of Wayne I'm so sorry.He was a nice man and will be a terrible loss.We will have to ge together Sis..May God Bless you and know that Wayne is without pain now...I am here for you always Love you...Pat feels the same...

Posted: 11/18/2010 by christine boule of manchaug, ma., worcester

I knew Wayne growing up in Worcester during the late fifties and early sixties. We both went to Chandler Street Elementary school. I lost contact with him when my parent's moved to Auburn. I remember Wayne as being a great kid and I'm sorry to see that he has left us so early. Gary Gilfoy

Posted: 6/2/2011 by Gary Gilfoy of Portland, Oregon, USA



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