10/19/2010 Suzanne Young
La Mesa, CA, usa
We send our thoughts and prayers to all of the friends and family of Maddy. We wish we could be there to extend our condolences, but please know that we are there in spirit wishing you peace and comfort. All of our love, Jean Young, Karen Young, Suzanne Young and Emily Carter-

10/19/2010 Maureen Alford
Medford, MA, USA
Dear Maddy and family; Everyone in my family feels so saddened by the loss of your beloved mother. She was a warm and generous person who loved her entire family, esp- ciaously her grandchildren, with all her heart. She will be sorely missed! with all our love, the Alford,Hogan and Vigna families.

10/22/2010 Paul Melancon
Cambridge, MA, USA
I just want to say that I will miss Maddy every day, the way she lit up a room when she walked in and I know Joyce will miss her even more, Maddy being her last sibling. Maddy, the family cookouts will never be the same without. Good luck at Bingo up there, you deserve to win, finally. Love, Joyce and Paul

10/30/2010 john and franquelina iovaine
leicester, mass, u.s.a
to my mother, my mother was a wonderfull women and i adored her as my mom im so deeply saddened that she left us so soon i will forever and always love her and cherish her in my heart and thoughts. i miss her everyday that she is gone and maybe someday we will see each other again, as son and mother i miss her smile and her laugh most of all i miss calling her to say i love and miss you mom. please dont ever forget you were the best mother any son could ask for and i love you. love your son john.may we see each other again mom.........



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