Dockray & Thomas Funeral Home, Canton, MA 02021


9/30/2010 Matt Thompson
Leicester, MA, USA
You were one of the best Mike, I'll miss you!

9/30/2010 Susan Evans
Randolph, Mass,
Dear Adele and Family, Please accept our heartfelt sympathy over the loss of your beloved son, and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We have many fond memories of Mike that will live on in our hearts forever. Susan, Brian and Julie Evans

9/30/2010 Coleen Ornell
Allston, MA, US
I worked together with Mike at Genzyme and I will miss his "cat that swallowed the canary," grin. A grin rightly deserved as his talents and intelligence were key to the multiple promotions that he received during the three years he worked at Genzyme. He was quirky and sometimes enigmatic-focusing his attention on some mechanical issue that challenged him-he would become completely engrossed in whatever he was working on. News of his passing has left me stunned and deeply sad. My heartfeltcondolences to his family. He will be missed so much here at Genzyme and it is a great loss for us.

9/30/2010 Megan
Braintree, ma,
Mike, just know you will never be forgotten. I love you and will miss you forever. You were a great friend and a great guy. Love you Megan

9/30/2010 Christina
E. Weymouth, MA, USA
We are deeply saddened by his death. We send our condolences to the Emanuel family.

9/30/2010 TATIANA
, ,
You always had a smile on your face when i seen you, always so kind to people and always the life of the party. You will be missed by many but not forgotten.. R.I.P Mike

9/30/2010 Ginger Robinson
Joaquin,, TX., US
May Almighty God of all Comfort and Tender Mercies Comfort the Emanuel family (2Co.1:3,4), The hour is coming in which all those in the Memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, Almighty God will wipe out every tears from their Eyes and death will be no more, Almighty God HOPE and PROMISE SOON TO BE ATTAIN, May these thoughts be of some Comfort. [email protected]

9/30/2010 Briana Strang
Weymouth/Randolph, MA, USA
Mikey - I will miss you forever and think of you always... I loved you and thought of you as family. My deepest and most heartfelt condolences go out to you and family Adele. - Briana xo

9/30/2010 Savina
, ,
My thoughts and prayers go out to Mikes family. You will never be forgotten always smiling and so fun to be around. Mike you will truly be missed rest easy and know everyone cherishes the memories spent with you. May your soul be at peace until we all meet again

9/30/2010 Heath Family
Bridge City, Texas, USA
We have such heavy hearts and extend our heartfelt sympathy to you, Adele, and the rest of Michael's family. Michael- you will be so missed!

9/30/2010 Kelly Maloney
marshfield, ma, u.s.
Love you Mikey. Lots of memories I will always remember.

9/30/2010 heather
randolph, ma,
thoughts and prayers go out to all of mikes family & friends....he was a great person & will be missed! RIP-MikeE

10/1/2010 Alyson (Rubenstein) Weeks
Braintree-Randolph, MA, USA
Dear Mike- You will forever be missed. You were a great friend. The world has lost a beautiful person, and it never be the same. To Adele, I am so sorry for you loss. My heart felt sympathies go out to you. My thoughts and prayers ar with you and your family.

10/1/2010 Joe Hardy
Cambridge, Ma., USA
To Mikes family, you guys raised a great person very respectful and funny, from the first time i met mike when he started at Genzyme i knew he was a really good guy with a heart of gold, he will be missed by all of us that knew him.

10/1/2010 Trevor
Randolph, Ma, USA
Hey I just want to pay my respects to the Emanuel family.I am sorry for your lost and my god bless micheal soul and my he rest in peace. Trevor Rance II

10/1/2010 Lisa Wilkinson
Lansing, MI, Ingham
I have known Mikey since elementary school and he was always so kind to me!! He will defently be missed!! My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. I am sure he is watching down on us and realizing how much he really was loved!! RIP Mike.... Gone but NEVER forgotten!! <3

10/1/2010 Rianna Frady
Chelmsford, MA,
Mike and family, you are in my thoughts and prayers. A kind person with a fun spirit was the Mike so many of us remember. You are missed by many. Rest in peace.

10/27/2010 arlene yarde
revere, ma,



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