8/21/2010 Mary Moar
Brockton, Ma, U.S.A.
Cha Cha So sorry to hear of Bob's death. Just know that my thoughts are with you during this sad time. Take care.

8/23/2010 Sheila Sartell
Billerica, MA, USA
No matter how much time we have with someone it is never enough. I will miss my cousin dearly especially teasing him about his slanted eyes and all the laughs we had thru the years. We have so many memories of Bobby that we will be able to keep laughing on his behalf and his memory will last forever. He is now out of pain and with all our love ones that were there waiting for him. We may not be able to see him but he is always going to be in our hearts.

8/24/2010 Stephen Belyea
Boston, MA, USA
Tom and family, My prayers are with all of you at this sad time. I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord;he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.



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