7/12/2010 Larry Adamson
Franklin, Tennessee, USA
So sorry to learn of Dick's passing. I worked with him many years during my time on the USGA staff. He was one of the best....the thought of his passing makes me sad...he was just so good to work with, helpful cooperative..just the best. My thoughts and prayers to his family. Larry Adamson, Franklin,TN

7/12/2010 Gene & Diane Haas
Wauwatosa, WI, USA
Betty Haskell & the Haskell family: Diane & Gene Haas extend our sincerest condolences for the recent passing of our dear friend Richard (Dick) Haskell. Dick and I shared many of our experiences through the years that we both tended to the administrative affairs of our respective golf associations. Dick was considered to be one of the leading "thought provokers" of all we executive directors. He always left us with a message that made us dig deeper into the purpose and methods of what we do and how we should be doing it. He was a true mentor to all of us. Dick and I shared many moments and ideas regarding the subject of publishing a centennial book for our respective state golf associations, both of which were successful and left a legacy to the future of the game. Dick was highly respected - and will long be remembered for what he contributed - at least by Diane and I.

7/13/2010 stephen bettencourt
W. Barnstable, MA,
RD and family, I was fortunate eneogh to get to know your Dad through the MGA. I send my condolences. Stephen Bettencourt

7/13/2010 Peter McCracken
Foxboro, MA, US
True gentleman. I will miss our conversations when he would call the office looking for my father. He truly will be missed.

7/13/2010 James Shriver
Mansfield, MA, USA
Mr. Haskell is truly a gentleman and friend. Having moved to Boston in 1985 and looking to play in local golf tournaments, I turned to Mr. Haskell for help. He was always there to answer my questions and help in anyway. I always considered him a friend. Jim Shriver

7/13/2010 Wayne Guyer
N Andover, MA, USA
RD, my condolences. It was crystal clear your Dad was very proud of you, on and off the course. He was the MGA, and we are all better having known him.

7/13/2010 Frank Remmes
Lilburn, Ga,
To The Haskell family and RD Jr in particular I am sorry about your Dad's passing ..For as long as I can remember he was at all the MGA events..and was somebody I admired and looked up to...He will always be remembered and missed... god Bless Frank Remmes


7/13/2010 Ralph Beckett
Melvin Village, NH, USA
Ann and I are saddened by the news of the passing of Dick Haskell. I had the privilege of working with Dick for several years at the MGA and it allowed me to enjoy some time in retirement from IBM that enhanced my life. It was a small group or family of friends that made the job so enjoyable. I hope Dick and his family had many happy years after I left and he was able to enjoy his retirement.Living in Florida and New Hampshire made it difficult for me to stay in touch with old associates. Again, Ann and I express our sympathies to Betty and her family and we honor Dick's contributions to amateur golf in Massachusett. Ann and Ralph Beckett

7/13/2010 T.P. Tunstall
wales, massachusetts, usa
Mr. Haskell is truly a man admired by myself.Kind, courteous, sincere. Our condolences to the family. T.P.

7/13/2010 Andy Horvitz
South Dartmouth, MA, USA
Dear R.D. and Mrs. Haskell, I was very saddened to learn of the passing of your father and husband and want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Dick Haskell was far more than a great representative, advocate and spokesperson for the game of golf. He was a genuine, kind and wonderful man. He always had the warmth, time and kindness to assist me in whatever way he could in my various meetings with him through the game of golf. Most recently, several years ago, when I was writing and producing the Tedesco CC Centennial book, he enthusiastically offered his vast knowledge and assistance on my visit to the MGA headquarters, as I was researching MGA archives on the tournament history of the Club. I am grateful for his input as are the members of the Club. The game of golf has truly lost a great friend and devotee, and he will long be remembered by those of us who cherish the game and the relationships we are blessed to make through it. Wishing you strength and Godspeed in your loss --and a lifetime of wonderful memories to ease the pain and to cherish forever. Very truly yours, Andy Horvitz

7/13/2010 Paul Heffernan Jr
wellesley, mass, USA
RD,i saw you from afar this past Sat and was about to go say hi when you vanished.I read with much sorrow of your dad's passing.He was a terrific person and as we say a true "giver".I want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.I will reach out over the next few days to say hello.Take Care Your friend,Paul Heffernan.

7/14/2010 Jerry and Terry Jeremiah
Warren, RI, USA
Terry and I extend our sincere condolences. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May God bless you all at this difficult time.

7/14/2010 Kyle & Katie Quigley
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Our thoughts and prayers are with you now and always. Deepest Condolences, Kyle & Katie Quigley

7/14/2010 Rick Cunha
Plymouth, MA., USA
A good friend and mentor, will miss his smiling face and words of incouragement through the years. Sincerest condolences for your loss.

7/14/2010 Kevin Nery
New Bedford, Ma,
R D and family, My sincere wish that all your loving memories will comfort you at this time. I appreciate all he did for the amateur golfer. He was a special man. God Bless Kevin

7/14/2010 Nancy and David Chaffee
Barrington, RI, USA
For any of us who love golf and enjoy the administrative side of it, Dick was our inspiration, our mentor and our friend. We will miss him greatly, but we're sure he is having a heated rules discussion with P.J. Boatright at this very moment. Nancy and David Chaffee RIGA, RIWGA and USGA Regional Affairs

7/14/2010 Carol Pfaelzer
chestnut Hill, ma, USA
Arthur Pfaelzer and I am sorry for your loss.We enjoyed working with your husband and father on the golf book. Fondly,Carol and Arthur

7/14/2010 Ken Finkenaur
Danvers, MA, USA
I was very saddened to hear about Dick Haskell's passing. While I was unemployed back in the mid-90's I was hoping to write a book on golf for African-American golfers back in the 30's and 40's. He gave me a full hour of his time even though he was very busy. I actually spoke with some of the golfers he mentioned and the owners of the courses that allowed them on their courses in a time of severe racism, even in the Boston area. Dick was a very generous, and kind man and I will never for get what he did for me. My deepest sympathy to all of you in his family at the loss of this great man.

7/15/2010 Philip & LynneScannell
Gloucester, Ma., USA
Former member at Vesper -I know my Dad had many dealings with Mr.Haskell as well as my Golf chairman-he was a true sportman and are solid citizen.Thoughts and prayers to his family.

7/15/2010 John L. Woodbury
Seattle, Wa 98101, USA
Sorry to read via the Ipswich Chronicle of Richard's death. My sympathy to you all. Richard and his parents were friend of mine many many years ago. Richard and I were in grade schoo together. I lived at the beginning of Labor-in-Vain Road and he lived at the end.

7/15/2010 Becky Cormier
Ipswich, Ma., US
I am truly sorry for your loss. It came as a great shock. I have always enjoyed chatting with all of you from time to time on my walk to the Estate. When you have come to your home away from home to stay for a very short time. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I truly understand your pain as I have walked in your shoes. Not that long ago. I look forward to seeing you all agian when the time is right to once again come and stay in your home away from home. God bless you all Becky Cormier

7/15/2010 Steve Mskell
Winchester, Ma., USA
My Condolences. He opened many opportunities for me to be able to compete in Amateur Golf. I cherish those times.

7/19/2010 Walt Lankau
Sudbury, MA, USA
R.D, Mrs Haskell, and family, I was saddened to hear of Dick's passing. Please accept my sincere condolences. Dick had an enoumous influence on the game of golf in Massachusetts. He was a friend and mentor to many and will be sorely missed. Walt Lankau

7/20/2010 Jim Deveney
Manchester, MA, USA
Dick was truly a person from another generation--old school in the best sense. Warm, understanding, and very knowledgeable. I remember my times with him with great fondness, whether it was a New England Am in the 60's, a State Am, or just a visit to Essex, one of his favorite courses. He really made a mark on golf everywhere and we will all miss him.



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