I am very sorry about your Loss....Brian's memory will always live on with us. May the Lord comfort you during the time of your grief.

Posted: 5/24/2010 by violet (CCS) of Boston, Ma,

You are in my prayers and thoughts and heart. Take care of yourself,you were a wonderful mom. Carmen

Posted: 5/24/2010 by carmen Polo of , ,

Brian- A person of strength with a great sense of humor and an amazing mother who knew how to make every day so special.

Posted: 5/24/2010 by Sarah of Londonderry, NH,

Brenda For the short period of time that I knew Brian it was apparent that he was loved. You were his voice for so long, let us hope he is in heaven singing with the angels. Tami (DH - Pedi)

Posted: 5/25/2010 by Tami L Chevalier of Manchester, NH,

Brian - I will forever treasure the joyful memories we shared and how much you taught me about courage, strength, faith, love of family, and the joy and comfort of reading. Brenda - Your love, extraordinary strength, and unique ability to make every single day count and special for Brian despite so many obstacles left a forever lasting imprint for so many of us.

Posted: 5/25/2010 by Shel Shel of , MA,

Dear Brenda, I am sending you my sincere sorrow at the passing of Brian. You have shown courage and love to all around you as you have cared for Brian. It has been a pleasure meeting you and spending the time to know you and Brian and I will miss those times we have shared in the Resource Room. Please know that I am here for you anytime. Please accept our condolences from the 9th Floor Family Resource Room Staff. May God Bless you and give you peace at this time. Sincerely, Rachel Guardiani

Posted: 5/25/2010 by Rachel Guardiani of Boston, MA,

Brian, Brenda, “Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over.” Please know that you are in my thoughts, Love Mary

Posted: 5/25/2010 by Mary Carr of Londonderry, NH, 03053

Brian I remember holding you the day you were born and getting yelled at by the nurse for walking you in the hallway. We talked about what we were going to do in life and where we were going to go and did indeed do that. I remember and will never forget the wonderful pie you were going to make for me filled with poison. You brought such joy to everyone around you and taught us about life, how to adapt, how to move forward, how to make each day worth living. Brenda - Your actions told everyone how much he was worth fighting for. Brian "Everything I do, I do it for you"

Posted: 5/25/2010 by SS of , ,

Brian - you will be missed more than words can say. Your smile brought hope to so many people and left a mark on this world that can never be erased. Brenda - you are an amazing mother! God certainly chose you to be Brian's mother. He died knowing he was loved, cherished, and his wishes were honored. You are an inspiration to others! You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Posted: 5/25/2010 by Marci of Manchester, NH,

Brenda, My heartfelt wishes are for you to eventually find the peace in your life that you so deserve. I am so sorry that you have suffered the loss of your wonderful boy, Brian. So very, very sorry. Kathleen

Posted: 5/25/2010 by Kathleen Duerr Schelling of Lanesborough, MA, USA

brian- i always loved to read to you knowing that you enjoyed it. You were the first person that read a story to me when i was born called Good Night Moon. you will always be special to me. Love Courtney

Posted: 5/25/2010 by Courtney of Londonderry, NH,

Brenda, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I feel very blessed to have known Brian. I will continue to pray for comfort and strength for you as you face your next trial. I am here for you still, now, as a friend. God bless - Jane

Posted: 5/26/2010 by Jane Edwards of londonderry, nh,

Dear Brenda and Family: I was very saddened to hear that Brian had passed but was relieved that it was in his home and not in a strange environment. He was a courageous young man who didn't deserve the fate that found him. I wish there was more I could have done to make his time with you more comfortable as we all were aware of how uncomfortable he was at times. All of us who were involved in Brian's care were touched by you, Brenda, and Brian and will never forget how hard you fought for your son to keep the best quality of life possible under the circumstances. It was a real priviledge to have been part of your lives and I thank you for trusting me to care for your son. He will be missed. You will both remain in my heart. With deepest sympathy, Dr. Repucci

Posted: 5/26/2010 by Anthony Repucci, MD of Manchester, NH, USA

Dear Brenda, So sorry to hear of your loss. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Posted: 5/26/2010 by Barbara Witkos of Lawrence, MA,

Dear Brian, you warm my heart. I will NEVER FORGET you, ever. When I look into your eyes, I can see little twinkles of light flashing on and off.You smile so brightly, that I can see beutiful little giggles! Your amber brown hair, shines in the moonlight. You are a great cousin, and a true leader._____much love, Julie

Posted: 5/26/2010 by julie of Lynnfield, MA, USA

Brenda, my deepest condolences for your loss at this difficult time. As you know, Brian was a very special patient of mine, and I am forever grateful to have had him in my life for the past four years. From talking about softball, to just holding his hand and reading to him, Brian was a brave soul, and taught me to be a better nurse. I will always treasure the time I was fortunate enough to have with my good friend Brian. You and Brian are in my thoughts. Tiffany (Elliot Hospital, Pediatric Department)

Posted: 5/26/2010 by Tiffany McCarty of Goffstown, NH,

Brian and Brenda taught us much about life. We were reminded about what matters. We learned to live for each day. We learned how to put our thoughts and actions in perspective. We learned about sacrifice, courage, hope, priorities, advocacy, health and human service challenges, how to be pro-active and stand up for what you belive. If and when you see that special Brenda and Brian out here, make sure you tell them, thank you.

Posted: 5/27/2010 by Mentee of , ,

I read about Brian's passing in the Londonderry times today and send my sincerest condolence to Brenda and the all the extended family. Last summer I was privileged to spend some time reading to Brian and I am appreciative of the time I was able to spend with Brian and Brenda. The courage exhibited by both were an inspiration to me. It was always hard to leave Brian when my voice left me and I could not read any longer. Had I known about Brian's passing a day earlier I would have liked to pay my respects but I will remember Brian in my prayers. Sincerely, Tom Cox

Posted: 5/27/2010 by Thomas Cox of Londonderry, NH, USA

Brian - I love you. You are my special cousin. I always loved going over to your house to see you and your pets and play with all your cool stuff. You and your mom always made me laugh with all those funny jokes and toys. Love Ashley

Posted: 5/27/2010 by Ashley of , ,

Dear Brenda,Sarah,Shelly and Brian's cousins, I just wanted to express my deep sadness at hearing of Brian's death and my concern for all of you at this time of great loss. In the newspaper article Sarah mentioned the wonderful relationship that you shared with Brian,Brenda,and I agree. He was a sweet young man who was blessed with an exceptionally devoted and loving mother. My thoughts are with you now Brenda and if there is anytime you'd like to get together for coffee and memories please call.I still cherish the mom and son snowman you gave us one Christmas to represent Brian and yourself. He will always be remembered in our home especially at Christmas. Peace Lynn

Posted: 5/28/2010 by Lynn Cina of Londonderry, N.H, USA

brian i miss you i like playing with your toys. thank you brian. love cousin sarah

Posted: 5/28/2010 by sarah of , ,

You are my sunshine and are with me every day!

Posted: 5/28/2010 by Sunshine of , ,

Dearest Brenda, You have always been one of the strongest women and most remarkable mothers I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Keep the strength going, you inspire us all. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Jenn

Posted: 6/2/2010 by Jennifer Rogers- Burke of Andover, Mass.,

As Mary loved her son and let him go Home when it was his time, so have you, Brenda, been the blessed Mother. He will shine in the face of our Lord and bring comfort to all who shared in his short life.

Posted: 6/2/2010 by KD of Nashua, NH,

I am so sorry to hear of Brian's passing. Brian enriched us all, and I will never forget his spirit. My deepest sympathies go to Brenda, and all who were touched by Brian. Jang-Ho Cha

Posted: 6/3/2010 by Jang-Ho Cha of North Wales, PA,

Wed., June 2, 2010 Dear Brian: You are our sunshine and we think of you everyday. You taught us how to adapt and live each day the best way we can. You told us you wanted to live with your communication board despite the effects of the disease on your body. You told us how you hated your disease and wanted to get better. You stayed strong and taught us how to be strong. Dear Brenda: You set an uncommon example that brings true meaning to the word mother and sacrifice. So many professionals wanted you to place Brian and take the easy way out vs. offer appropriate assistance in your home. These individuals observed what you stood for: strength, committment and one very important driving purpose - to advocate and give Brian the best quality of life which he deserved and you did that 24 hours a day. As a single parent, you sacrificed your job, your home, and your own health for Brian and you did that despite the obstacles thrown at you as a single parent. You observed and experienced first hand the standards others, including service providers, wanted to set when they entered your home or when Brian was cared for in the hospital. You swiftly and quickly terminated anything that was not what you stood for. You stood up for Brian and made clear and carried through the standard of care and quality of life he deserved. You dealt endlessly with many issues pertaining to insurance, home modifications, service providers and the list goes on. You and took full charge of Brian's care and continued to advocate for him and provide him with a wonderful life for which he so deserved. Thank you for showing us what it means to be a mother and to sacrifice.

Posted: 6/3/2010 by Those Who Knew of , ,

Brenda, I know you have fought so hard for Brian to be recognized as a human being in a society that still remains so ignorant to the worse suffering one can endure; which is, the ignorance of society. Brian knew you had to work up untilt he past 2 years to provide for him have insurance, pay for home modifications, medications, and more. Brian knew he was not a burden, that you did not allow anyone to service him or tolerate unethical behaviors. He knew you stood for ethics, values, commitment both in your job, his care, and your person. Those of us who were closely involved with you, and Brian know you were hoping before his death that he would be accepted for social security, state resources, and recognition as a human being. He knew you and the people you allowed to be around him were that caliber. The most important thing for you to remember is Brian knew who cared, who was involved, and what you embraced for, and around him. Brian was an incredible young man. He loved life, his school, classmates, teachers, church, doctors, nurses, and faithworks volunteers who were with you both till the end. We all know how much you valued Brian, and how you struggled as a single parent to provide for him alone. Brian, and you have the greatest gift that can never be destroyed. Both of you had a bond like no other known.

Posted: 6/15/2010 by The Hidden Walls of NH/MA, NH, United States

Brian- Those who know and love you know your story, feel you and think of you everyday.

Posted: 6/17/2010 by Those Who Love You of , ,

Brian- It's been one year since your passing and we think of you everyday. Your animals miss you too. Your beautiful garden and spirit lives on. We are with you.

Posted: 5/24/2011 by Family of , ,

Brian - I miss you and think about you every day.

Posted: 9/29/2011 by Me of , ,

Brian- I think about you all the time. How lucky I am to have such wonderful memories. Miss you.

Posted: 10/7/2011 by Guess Who of , ,

Happy Halloween

Posted: 10/9/2011 by Guess Who? of , ,

Happy Birthday Mom!

Posted: 10/9/2011 by Me of , ,

A special happy 20th birthday Brian! We will all celebrate with you today!

Posted: 2/13/2012 by Surprise of , ,

A special happy 20th birthday to a very special person. Thinking about you every day and especially today. XOXO Auntie Shel Shel

Posted: 2/13/2012 by ShelShel of , MA,

Happy Easter to my special friend!!! Look for those tracks and guess who visited you. Love always!

Posted: 4/8/2012 by Easter Bunny of , ,

A candle is lit in your honor. It has been two years today. We miss and love you so much. When I am watching Cartoon Network and do many things you loved, I am thinking of you.

Posted: 5/23/2012 by Family of , ,

Brian Merry Christmas and love you for ever. You are our sunshine. December 24, 2012. Love always from me and your family

Posted: 12/25/2012 by ShelShel of Lynnfield, MA, USA

Brian Thinking of you every day and miss you. This Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013 you will be 21 years old. I remember guessing in a baby pool your date of birth.

Posted: 2/11/2013 by ShelShel of Lynnfield, MA,

Happy 21st Birthday Brian!!! We miss you and you are still with us.

Posted: 2/13/2013 by Family of , ,

Happy Easter Brian. Some bunnies love you!!!! Goldie, Stitch, Sunshine, Mom, Auntie's, cousins. We think of you all the time!

Posted: 3/29/2013 by Family of , ,

My best friend Brian. I am with you now. I went for a walk with mom this past weekend and it was too much for me. I love you. Goldie

Posted: 5/13/2013 by Goldie of , ,

Dear Brian, A candle is lit in your honor today to remember you and the wonderful life you gave me. It is hard to believe 3 years has gone by; since your death. Sandy will be joining me today to plant a blue rose in your garden in honor of you. I will also be planting a package of seeds for Goldie who is now with you. I love you and think about you everyday. Love Mom.

Posted: 5/23/2013 by Brenda of Londonderry, NH, USA

It has been three years today Brian and we love, miss and think of you every day. You are so special and whenever I go to Disney, I am always thinking of you with your books and the fun we had. You are still with me and having all the fun too-forever!

Posted: 5/23/2013 by Guess of , ,

Happy Thanksgiving to my dearest sunshine of my life. I have a candle lit in your memory and a Christmas Tree put up with your ornaments you made on it. I love you and think about you every day. I will be spending Thanksgiving with Sandy today and we will be remembering you in our thoughts and prayers. Love Mommy

Posted: 11/28/2013 by Brenda Ingalls of Londonderry, NH, United States

Merry Christmas to the sweetest boy I have ever known in my life. I lit a candle for you on Christmas Eve and again today on Christmas. The animals and I miss you so very much. I hope there is a Christmas in Heaven. I love you and think about you every day. Love Mom

Posted: 12/25/2013 by Brenda Ingalls of Londonderry, NH, United States

Dear Brian I think about you every day and know that your birthday is days away. I was so fortunate that one of the happiest times in my life was taking care of you when you were small--reading to you, telling you stories, watching movies, helping you put together puzzles, going to the park, ..... Remember our favorite books--Good Night Moon, The Foot Book, I love you forever- I like you for always as long as I'm living my Brian you'll be! Love always Auntie ShelShel

Posted: 2/8/2014 by ShelShel of , MA,

Happy 22nd Birthday Brian. Thinking about you late last night and the first thing this snowy morning. Love forever and ever. Auntie SheShel

Posted: 2/13/2014 by Shelley of Lynnfield, MA,

Happy 22ND Birthday my darling Brian. I love you and think about you every day. I wore your blue dragon shirt today and played the backstreet boys thinking about you. The first thing I did this morning when I got up was lit a candle in your memory. Thank you for being near to me and I know you had something to do with me having a snowday from school so I could be home with you. I love you always and forever. You once asked me if I would ever forget about you when you were dying and I told you never. You would be in the trees, the wind, flowers, the house and all around. Indeed, I have found those words to be true. I only wish I could have told you so much more than those words with how heavy my heart felt then and now. Love always. Mommy

Posted: 2/13/2014 by Brenda of Londonderry, NH, USA

Happy Valentine's Day to the bestest boy a Mom could ever have. I love you my Snugglepooch. My one and only Valentine forever and always. Love Mommy.

Posted: 2/14/2014 by Brenda of Londonderry, NH, USA

Thinking about you on you 22nd birthday and remembering the wonderful times we had. I will never forget when you wanted to make me and auntie Shelley the biggest pie ever and fill it with lots of poison. We thought you had a great time in downtown Disney jumping in the splash pad for almost 4 hours. Love Auntie Sarah!

Posted: 2/22/2014 by Auntie Sarah of , ,

The Panther by: Rainer Maria Rilke His tired gaze - from passing bars - has turned into a vacant stare which nothing holds. To him there seem to be a thousand bars, and out beyond these bars exists no world. His supple gait, the smoothness of strong strides that gently turn in even smaller circles perform a dance of strength, centered deep within a will, stunned, but untamed, indomitable. But sometimes, the curtains of his eyelids part, the pupils of his eyes dilate as images of past encounters enter while through his limbs a tension strains in silence only to cease to be, to die within his heart. Dedicated to those, like Brian, whose lives have changed as a result of critical life events.

Posted: 3/12/2014 by Sarah of , ,

Dear Brian, I am thinking of you all this week and especially today; which is the day before Easter. I know how much you loved the Easter bunny and how you would wait for him to patiently swing in your room to know he was coming. Auntie Sarah now has the bunny at her house so he can bring Easter eggs to her house. I miss you and think about you a million times a day. I am taking care of your animals like I promised you I would do. Sandy and Claire are always thinking of you and are helping me to try and stay strong. You once asked me if I would ever forget about you, and I told you no. When I told you the no, I never realized the intensity of those words. You are in my mind, heart, and soul each and every day of my life. I will never forget you and the wonderful things you taught me and how much happiness you gave my life. I love you forever, I love you for always, as long as I am living, my snugglepooch you will be. Love Mommy

Posted: 4/19/2014 by Brenda Ingalls of Londonderry, NH, USA

Happy Easter my sweet boy Brian. You are in my thoughts, my heart and prayers today. I miss you. Love Mommy

Posted: 4/20/2014 by Brenda of Londonderry, NH, USA

My dearest Brian, it is 4 years today that you have been gone from me and your animals. My heart breaks every day missing you so very much. I am trying very hard to do the things you taught me to do so well. I have followed the path we discussed before your death of me going on to be a special needs teacher. Remember our talk about teacher or nurse? I have enrolled in a graduate program to get another degree. This one will be with Special Education. I know you would be proud of me. I love my new job and I have found some very nice people that I have enjoyed sharing memories about you. You once asked me if I would ever forget about you; while you were dying. I told you never! As time goes on, I am learning that it doesn't get easier, but much harder. The house is not the same. The animals miss you and look for you when I come home. Mother's Day was very painful for me. Sandy came by to make me dinner and we gorged ourselves in memories of you. She has always said you taught her so much and loved her for who she was. Indeed, you did. I know what you taught me and I try to apply it every day of my life. Today I took a personal day from work to honor your memory. I am going to go to flower greenhouses to look for a blue perennial I can plant in your garden. Your gardens look beautiful. I am going to try to bring myself to watch some videos of us together and play the backstreet boys with the animals. This whole weekend I will be honoring your memory and thinking of you every moment. Brian, you have so many people that still think about you, love you, and feel your ingredients you left along the way. I lit a candle today in your honor. I will light one each day this weekend. I love you more than ever and I hope you have found peace and happiness in heaven. Remember how you were afraid you wouldn't go there. We all told you if anyone has earned their wings to follow the road into heaven; it would be you. I am trying to live as you did with a pure heart, no hatred, innocent, and strong. I want to join you someday and need to do the right things to earn my wings like you have done. You were so afraid of dying and leaving me alone worrying about me being alone. I am okay. I have a new job and have some very nice people that I can work with and share my memories of you with and that is wonderful. I have people who care about me and know some of your story. I love you forever, I love you for always, as long as I am living my snugglepooch you will be. Love Mommy

Posted: 5/23/2014 by Brenda of Londonderry, NH, USA

Dear Brian- It has been 4 years today and we miss you very much. You are with us every day - forever. This is HD awareness month and like you, there are so many people fighting this disease. I am so happy to have spent so many wonderful times together with you that I will treasure forever. You are very special loving person.

Posted: 5/23/2014 by Guess Who of , ,

Think about your every day especially these past few days. You are the sunshine and the light that will last forever.

Posted: 5/24/2014 by ShelShel of Lynnfield, MA,

Happy 23rd Birthday to my dearest boy! I have thought about you so much this month as your birthday was slowly approaching. I think of you every day and miss you so very much. The candle is lit in your honor today in memory of you and most important day that you were born. Love Mom

Posted: 2/13/2015 by Brenda Ingalls of Londonderry, NH, UNited States

Happy Birthday Sweetie Miss our special times together watching movies and reading books. A very special person who is greatly missed. Love forever Auntie ShelShel

Posted: 2/15/2015 by ShelShel of Lynnfield, MA,

Brian - We are thinking about you and love you so much. You made our lives so special. Love Auntie Sarah

Posted: 5/23/2015 by Sarah of , ,

Brian Think about you every day and how much I miss you and the very special times we had together reading books, watching movies, going to the play ground, and telling bedtime stories. Auntie Shel Shel.

Posted: 10/17/2015 by ShelShel of LYNNFIELD, MA, USA

My Sweetie HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a very special nephew whose brief time on Earth touched so many lives. Miss you so much and the very special times we had together watching movies, reading your favorite books (The Wheels of the Bus, Goodnight Moon.....), going to the playground, and telling bedtime stories. "I love you forever. I like you for always. As long as I'm living my Brian you'll be." Auntie ShelShel February 13, 2016

Posted: 2/13/2016 by ShelShel of Lynnfield, Massachusetts, United States

Brian - A special, "Happy 25th Birthday" to you today love. I remember the day you were born and how I held you and walked around the hospital floor with you and got yelled at my the nurse for doing that. I talked to you about the wonderful things we would do like go to Disney which we all did many times with so much fun. Never forget when you told me you were going to make me a cake with lots of poison in it. You are so special my friend and never forgotten!

Posted: 2/14/2016 by Auntie of , ,

My dearest sunshine, I lit candles for you yesterday on your 24th birthday and spent time going through so many memories we made together while you were with me. I cherish each and everyone of those things. I celebrated your birthday with finding my heart breaking missing you so much, but loving you stronger and deeper as time moves forward. Today is valentine's day. You were always my valentine! Today auntie shel-shel and I are looking at so many of your things you made, pictures and more and remembering you with great love. I love you forever. I love you for always. As long as I am living my snuggle pooch you will be. Love mommy

Posted: 2/14/2016 by Brenda of Londonderry, NH, USA

Dear Brian Thinking of you every day especially near the anniversary of your passing. Love you forever......Auntie ShelShel

Posted: 5/20/2016 by ShelShel of Lynnfield, MA,

Brian - Happy Birthday sweetie - Think of you all the time and miss you so much. Love always - Auntie Shel Shel

Posted: 2/13/2017 by Shelley Lynch of Lynnfield, Massachusetts, United States

Think of you so often and how much we miss you. Christmas will be here in about a week. I have a special ornament near your picture.

Posted: 12/19/2017 by Shelley of Lynnfield, MA, United States

Happy 26 birthday. Miss you very much and think of you everyday. Love you forever. Auntie Shel Shel

Posted: 2/12/2018 by Shelley of Lynnfield, MA, United States

Thinking of you often today on your 27th birthday and the wonderful memories of reading, watching Disney movies, and Disney, playing pretend......You will always be my Brian.

Posted: 2/14/2019 by Shel-Shel of Lynnfield, MA,

Thinking about you again and how much you are loved and missed so very much. Your auntie ShelShel

Posted: 5/24/2019 by ShelShel of Lynnfield, MA,

Thinking of you every day and wishing you a happy birthday. I remember when you were in preschool and we read books together (Mr. Rogers) about making friends. Love you always! Aunti Shel-Shel

Posted: 2/10/2021 by Shelley of Lynnfield, MA, United States

Happy Birthday Brian! I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living my Brian you'll be. Your auntie Shell-Shell

Posted: 2/13/2021 by Shelley of Lynnfield, MA, United States

Thinking of you and miss you so much. Love always - Your Auntie Shell-Shell

Posted: 5/22/2021 by Shelley of Lynnfield, MA, United States

Hard to believe you will be 30 years old this month. Thinking of you always and was remembering when you, and me, and Flounder learned how to do puzzles. You helped Flounder and the gang with a couple of puzzles and I timed how fast you did it. Your teacher wrote that you were a puzzle wiz. Love you forever. Auntie Shel Shel

Posted: 2/5/2022 by Shelley Lynch of Lynnfield , MA,

Happy 30th birthday Brian. Will always cherish the memories of reading together, going to Disney and watching Disney videos, puzzles/games, the playground and more……Love you forever, like you for always, as long as I am living my Brian you’ll be. Love, Auntie Shel-Shel.

Posted: 2/13/2022 by Shel Shel of Lynnfield, MA,

Thinking of you always and miss you deeply. Will always be my Brian. Love You forever Auntie Shel-Shel

Posted: 5/22/2022 by Shelley of Lynnfield, MA, USA

Thinking of you and missing you so much. So lucky to have you in my life and will always treasure the special bond we will have forever.

Posted: 1/16/2023 by Shel-Shel of Lynnfield, MA,

My sweetie Brian - Thinking of you as your birthday nears. Always thinking of you and the memories of watching videos, reading, telling stories, playing games……Love always - Auntie Shel-Shel

Posted: 2/11/2023 by Shel-Shel of Lynnfield, MA,

Thinking of you always especially on your birthday. Will always treasure our memories of books, Disney, games, and the park. Love Auntie Shel-Shel

Posted: 2/13/2023 by Shel-Shel of Lynnfield, MA,

Thinking of you very often and how much I miss you. I have a special garden in front of my house for you. Love you always - Your Auntie Shel-Shel

Posted: 5/25/2023 by Shelley of Lynnfield, MA, USA

Think of you often and miss you very much especially where this month is your birthday - February 13. Will always treasure reading books together, Disneyworld, watching videos, playing games, putting puzzles together, and telling stories at night. “Love you forever, like you for always, as long as I am living my Brian you’ll be. “ Love forever - Auntie Shel-Shel

Posted: 2/4/2024 by Shelley of Lynnfeld, MA,

Happy 31st birthday my sweetie! Love forever - Auntie Shel-Shel

Posted: 2/13/2024 by Shelley of Lynnfeld, MA,

My dearest Brian Happy 31st Birthday today! There is not a day that goes by I don't think about you. You were and still are the most important thing in my life that I ever got to experience, have and treasured and still do and still quite can't believe you are gone. I see Shelley has kept up writing more so than I have trouble with my heart expressing my loss. Butterscotch helps me with my pain and comforts me each day and there is not a day that goes by I don't look for you. Love mommy.

Posted: 2/13/2024 by Brenda Ingalls of Nashua, NH, United States



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