Dear Fr. Bob, Please accept our deepest condolences on the loss of your Mom. Gilda was such a gentle character who was so proud of "my son the priest"! I really enjoyed her visits to our craft group, and fixing her coffee after Mass at "coffee & donuts". It will never be the same without her there. Although you will miss her terribly, you must be profoundly comforted by the knowledge that she is finally at rest in the loving arms of our Lord. Our prayers are with you and your family. With deepest sympathy, Lynn & Mike

Posted: 4/27/2010 by Lynn & Mike Grainger of Londonderry, NH,

Dear Bob, I spoke with Marlene and was very saddened by the news of Gilda's passing .I immediately went back in time and began the memories of how important she was in my life as a little girl. That feeling of specialness followed me through adulthood. Whenever I visited her in New Bedford I felt it-- the look, the hug.--the smile .I was a little girl again!. She will be in my heart forever. You have taken wonderful care of her and given her much love. It is difficult to loose a mother. I feel for you and Marlene. May all the wonderful memories stay alive in your heart forever. All my love and sympathy, Shirley

Posted: 4/27/2010 by Shirley of , , USA

I only met her a few times but she always reminded me of my mom in her attitude and demeanor. She has been added to our prayers. Ron & Barb

Posted: 4/28/2010 by ron & barbara bechard of londonderry, nh, usa

Dear Father Bob, We are saddened by your loss. Emily and I are especially fortunate to have met your mother during our pre-marriage counseling. Her warmth and tender spirit radiated throughout your home. We will be praying for you, Marlene and family during this time of mourning. Our hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow. Jeff, Emily, John and Susan Bradley.

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Jeff Bradley and Emily Robbins of Chester, NH, USA

Gilda Has been a wonderful Mother and addition to our St, Jude Family..We will miss her smile. With Love Ginny

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Ginny Boucher of Londonderry, NH, USA

wish express sympathy you, the entire family and the St Jude parishioners. May her soul rest in peace. The almighty God will give you the fortitude to go through this lost. I thank God for her life which is well lived. It is call to Glory. She live a fulfilled life. You are a source of inspiration to me in the way you take good care of her in my little experience i had with you and your relationship with you sweet mother. May almighty God reward you abundantly. I am starting a novena mass for her, for intention of successful burial, and for your private intention. Kindness express my sympathy and regard to the entire family. From Best friend and brother - Fr John O Lawani.

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Fr. John Lawani of , , Nigeria

Our prayers go to the whole family for the loss of a gentle and holy woman who has now gone to the Lord. May all of you find peace in knowing that she is with the Lord from where she will be praying for all of you. With our deepest sympathy, Guillermo and Rhina

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Bill & Rhina Carmmona of Stratford, Conn., USA

Dear Father Bob: Please except my since condolescences on the loss of your Mom. It must be a comfort to know she is with God. Elaine Wilson Mary Haynes friend who attends 4:30 Saturday mass.

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Elaine Wilson of Contoocook, NH,

To Fr. Bob, Marlene and her family I'll miss her dearly she will always be in my heart she was a wonderful person and I'm glad she was my Godmother and friend. My husband and sons wish to convey their condolences and let you know how much she meant to them also. I wish she would've been able to meet our granddaughters Ariana & Alena so they too would've know how special she was. Love to you cousin Liane and family.

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Art, Goddaughter Liane, Arthur and Adam of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States

Dear Fr. Bob, My most sincere condolences on the death of your dear mother. What a perfect role model she has been for so many others, as indicated in her beautiful obituary. I truly believe that the mother-child relationship is the most important earthly relationship in our lives, no matter how old the “child” becomes. If one has a good relationship, it is a treasure; if not, one does not cease trying to find it in someone else. I hope your memories will bring you joy, as well as the knowledge of how proud she was of you and of the wonderful care you gave her. We will miss seeing her in the front pew. Sincerely, Mary Haynes

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Mary of , Londonderry, USA

Fr. Bob, Once again we wish to express our condolences for the passing of your mother. A passing from this life to the next. No matter what the words they just don't seem to reach the depth of the one suffering. Peace, Joe and Lorraine

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Joe & Lorraine Sander of Merrimack, NH,

Dear Fr. Bob, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of your family at this difficult time. We enjoyed Gilda's sense of humor and her conversation at coffee and donuts after Mass. She always had a smile and a hug for my girls. Your mom will be greatly missed. Paul, Alison, Meg, and Erin Yankowskas

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Alison and Paul Yankowskas of Londonderry, NH,

To my dear Tia Gilda. You gave me some of my most cherished and earliest childhood memories. Those amazing chocolate cakes with whipped cream (from a can) between the layers -- oh so diffent and delicious ... the fantastic nearby ocean beach access -- oh the fun ... and to have an older Portuguese aunt that spoke fluent English -- oh so cool. Love your nephew, Saúl.

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Saúl de Melo of Toronto, Province of Ontario, Canada

Fr. Bob and family We feel blessed to have known your Mom and will always remember sitting with her and listening to her stories over lunch at the St. Jude Country Fair. She was a kind and funny woman, who always wore a smile. Thanks for sharing her with our parish! Joe & Joanne P.

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Joe & Joanne Paradis of Londonderry, NH,

Father Bob and Marlene---there are no cards or words that can truly express how sorry we were to here of your dear Mom's passing---she was Mom to all of us at St Jude and will be truly missed. Our prayer is that God will give you the strength to get through this most difficult time.

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Tod and Kathy Wicker of Londonderry, NH,

Dear Fr. Bob: Your mother was such a gentle, kind and loving mom - the song "Gentle Woman" resonates in my mind for her. She was a gentle woman to have passed on the gentleness and care you gave her as her wonderful son. What a beautiful obituary! I will always hear her say how she would sew in her earlier years and how she wanted to still be doing that. May God bless you with comfort knowing that your mom is in our mother Mary's arms, and she is with your dad.

Posted: 4/28/2010 by Jeannine of Londonderry, nh,

dear bob, i was so sorry to hear of your mom's passing, especially sorry for you, the loving son and care giver and for marlene, loving daughter. for your mother i have joy....that she is in the arms of God after a life spent doing good for many, being honest and true, having a wonderful sense of humor, working hard and with integrity. having courage in the face of loneliness, disease, and at one time, poverty. she has always been an inspiration for me and a very big part of my pride of heritage. my mother died at 92 also. they were long-time devoted, loving and supportive friends, as well as relatives. i'd like to think they'll get another go at it bob, take care of yourself and reach out, as i'm sure people have always done to you. it's your turn now. it'll take a while i can say from experience. but i have found that my mother is alwaays with me, and when i'm alone i talk, even laugh, with her. God bless you in your grief and always. love, jeannette[resendes]

Posted: 4/29/2010 by Jaye of Atlanta, GA,

Father Bob, Stan and I were so saddened to hear about your mom's passing. I will always remember her visits to our craft group and talking to the "Painters" and sharing the birthday cake and ice cream with us. She was truly a lady and she will be missed. You and all your family are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

Posted: 4/29/2010 by Stan & Terry Gustavson of Londonderry, NH,

Fr. Bob & Family, We were saddened to hear the news of your mother's passing. She was a wonderful inspiration to the parish, especially the children. She always had a welcome smile and hello for all. She will be sorely missed and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. In Deepest Sympathy, Donald & Gail

Posted: 4/29/2010 by Donald & Gail D'Urso of Windham, NH, USA

Dear Fa.Bob & Marlene, My heart goes out to all of you in the loss of your dear mother. I will always cherish the times we sprent together. Our road trips were always full of fun & laughter. Thank you for sharing mom with me & all of St. Jude. Now that she is with her Lord that she loved she will always be in my heart & I will miss her terribly. My prayers will be with all of you during this very difficult time. Love & prayers, Madeleine

Posted: 4/29/2010 by Madeleine Pimley of londonderry, NH, USA

Father, I know your sadness at this time but may the Holy trinity and the Blessed Mother fill the void in your heart. My prayers, rosaries and Masses will be offered for her this week and for you and your family. Blessings, Jackie

Posted: 4/29/2010 by Jackie of Torrance, CA,

Fr. Bob, You don't know how devastated we are that we can't be there for you at this time. Please know that our prayers are with you and your Mom. She was a special lady and is now a special angel so hang in there guy. She's with you and will give you strength. Love, Roland and Yvette

Posted: 4/29/2010 by Roland & Yvette of Londonderry, NH,

Be at peace ... Mother Gilda is home with the Lord. Love, hugs and prayers and be strong tomorrow ... be happy for her ... no more pain ...

Posted: 4/29/2010 by Bill & Rehina of Stratford, CT,

Hi Father Bob, Rosemary shared with me that your Mom recently passed. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am sure you feel sadness, I hope good thoughts and memories give you peace. I am sorry to not be able to attend the service, John and I are off to Syracuse, NY tomorrow to visit his parents. His Dad is not too well. Take care and I look forward to seeing you again. Karen Ahern

Posted: 4/29/2010 by Karen Ahern of Londonderyy, NH,

"My family and I extend to you and yours the deepest regrets and sorrow for your loss. I lost my Mom on 2/4/10. Both are now in peace and glory and with forever happiness. Take care Bob."

Posted: 4/30/2010 by James T. Carter of Granaada Hills, California,

My dear friend Bob, I am very sorry for your loss. Faith

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Faith Pina of New Bedford, MA,

Bob, My heart goes out to you at the loss of your mother. I know you find consolation in knowing that she is at peace in the arms of her loving God. However, that does not fill the void that is in your heart. Know that my prayers are with you and your family. In sympathy, Sr. Mary Elizabeth Whalen, SNDdeN

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Mary Elizabeth Whalen of , MA,

I know how much she cared about us and I'm so glad as are my sons for the memories we have of her too. Adam and his girl said how much they enjoyed the trip and visiting with you and your mom. I know how hard it is for you but at least she was here with you and Marlene for 92 years which is a wonderful thing. I'll miss her alot. She was always so funny and easy to talk with. Guess she divorced me this time, but it's ok cuz she's with my Godfather now again. Leanne and Family

Posted: 4/30/2010 by leanne of Murfreesboro, , Tennessee, ,

My dear Father Bob, My heartfelt sentiments are stirred at the human news of dear "momma yours" passing from this earthly existence. She, as I happily knew her, shared frequent moments of peace and happiness, and in the grateful joy of blessing her for the days of her life while God shared her with us on earth, are certainly my sentiments join with yours of pain and tears now in your heart. She was indeed the spark of your faithfulness to our dear Lord, to His dear precious own mother, and now as only in our faith, she is in the presence of eternal worship. She like our holy earthly mothers now joined with Mother Mary, will hold you up in the strength which we consecrated priests are in daily need. My prayers and those of the ladies at the staff Office will keep her memory and yours very sensitively close to our hearts. I personally know what suffering of a loss of a precious gem of a good and inspiring mother means. In his fondness and blessings, I place you in my daily chalice and in the touch of the Sacred Host. Father Ralph +

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Rev. Ralph DiOrio of , MA,

Dear Bob,Its been a lot of years since our paths crossed except thru this medium, but do know of my care for your loss! I've not been through what you know all too well: the death of my parents. I can however imagine the huge hole that will leave in my life when my mom is no longer with me for encouragement and admonition (mom's never stop that :) ). I am sad to know that loss is yours. I will be praying that the faith with which you have helped so many others will be a source of inspiration and consolation for you now. Sincerely, Tom McDermott

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Fr. Tom MacDermott of , Iowa,

Fr Bob: I am so sorry for your loss, our families prayers are with you. Nick

Posted: 4/30/2010 by The Thickens Family of Londonderry, , NH,

Bob – So sorry to hear about your Mom. Even though she was Ill, it still hurts. Ron & Barb

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Ron & Barb Bechard of Londonderry, ,

Father Bob: Please accept our heart felt condolances. We are in Florida and will be unable to pay our respects in person. Please know that we are thinking of you. Carrie and David & Family

Posted: 4/30/2010 by O'Rourke Family of Londonderry, ,

Bob, I want to express my condolences to you in this time of loss. Please be assured of my prayers and my assurance to offer Mass for her soul . Fraternally Mike Racine

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Fr. Mike of New Bedford, MA,

Father Bob, If you need me to help out in anyway, please e-mail my mom. If you need someone to serve for the funeral mass, I would be happy to do it. I am thinking about you and I am very sorry. I said a special prayer for you. Your Pal, Jake

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Jake Calligandes of Londonderry, NH,

Father Bob, I am sorry to hear about your Mother; my prayers go out for you and your family. AL

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Al Baldasaro of , ,

Hello Father Couto, Please know that your Mom is in our prayers as well as you and your entire family. Her obituary allowed us to know just what a wonderful woman she was and how hard she worked for Our Lord here in earth. She will be in a position now to mend all those tattered clothes we read about in Holy Scripture!! She'll do good work in Heaven for sure!! As the old saying goes, the apples don't fall far from the tree, and for her to raise a son who accepted God's call to His ministry is certainly a big feather in her hat. What an honor it must be to celebrate Holy Mass in honor of your mother. God Bless you and your family in this time of great loss. We can only imagine your grief but know you turn to Him for consolation. Warm Regards, Rose/George

Posted: 4/30/2010 by George & Rose Kalviotis of Mentor, , Ohio ,

Dear Father Bob, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. I only met your mom a few times but remember how taken I was with her beauty, smile and grace. In the Risen Christ, Monica & Ken Rahilly

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Monica and Ken Rahilly of LONDONDERRY, ,

Bob, My Prayers go out to you and your family at this time of the death of your dear mother Gilda, As she is with the Lord may you feel the comfort of that knowledge and may you too be in his loving hands ... Peace to you. Dick Smith....

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Fr. Dick Smith of , ,

Dearest Father Bob, I am so saddened to learn of your Mom's passing. She was a delightful person. This is very sad news. My prayers are with you and your family . Love, Angela

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Angela Poitras of Londonderry, NH,

Dear Father Bob, We are sending you our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. You can feel very blessed that you were able to care for your mom for such a long time. I am sure your memories will keep her with you forever. Sending big hugs, Lew and Rita

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Rita and Lew Goody of Homosassa, FL, USA

dear Fr. Bob, I'm very sad about what happened but now she is in heaven and is in no more pain. I'll keep you in my prayers. Love'Aleksandra

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Aleksandra Moskal of Londonderry, NH, United States

Fr. Bob, My prayers continue for you and your family, and of course your mom's soul. Hang in there and be strong my friend. God Bless you always, Boris

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Boris Garber of , California,

I hope that you feel better soon. I'm going to serve at the mass. We're all here for you. Your mom is in heaven now with God, so I'm sure she's happy. Love, Frankie

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Frankie Moskal of Londonderry, NH, United States

Dear Father Bob, please know how sorry we are about the loss of your mother. It was a loss for all of us. She was such a lovely woman, and we will always remember how kind and loving she was to Aleksandra and Frankie. We will keep you, Marlene, and your whole family in prayer, and we especially pray that God's love will comfort you during this very difficult time. Love, Andrea and Frank

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Andrea and Frank Moskal of Londonderry, NH, United States

Dear Bob - I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's death. You know for sure that I am praying for you and for her. Peace - Jim Reverend James L. McKearney, S.S. President/Rector St. Patrick's Seminary & University Menlo Park, CA 94025

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Rev. James McKearney of Menlo Park, CA,

My favorite memory with Vovo was when we had a mini karate tournement in her house. It was so much fun. I got first place(: My Grammy used to bring me to her house and we would play games and eat chocolate because it was he favorite food. I will miss her. -Love Michelle

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Michelle of Lonfonderry, New Hampshire, United States

Dear Fr. Bob & Family, We were very sad to hear the news about your mother and friend. She certainly lived a long and full life but that doesn't make it any easier on you when the time comes. We realize then that our whole history is with her. Our thoughts and Prayers are with You All Wil& Billie Jean

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Wil & Billie Jean Bernier of Londonderry, NH,

Dear Fr. Bob, My heart goes out to you in the loss of your most precious Mom. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time. Love, Simone

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Simone Corrigan of Londonderry, NH,

Dear Fr. Bob and Marlene: George and I both send love and prayers to both of you and your entire family at this time. We will always remember her smile, and the love that just surrounded her. I am so sorry that we cannot attend in person but please know that we are with you in prayer. She is now in heaven with Our Lord, and, together with your dad, will remain in your hearts and our prayers always! Love: Doreen and George

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Doreen and George Duquette of Manchester, NH, USA

Hi Father Bob,I stopped by the funeral home late this evening to pay my respects. I didn’t want to intrude on the precious time you had left with your family. So I send a big hug your way and again extend by sincere condolences. Your mom looks so peaceful and so beautiful. It occurred to me that she’ll be even more of an inspiration now than when she was alive. I also have a sense that many miracles in St. Jude’s will occur due to her intercession. I thank God for your mom because she was the one who bore the son who would bring Jesus to thousands. It was you who brought me and my son Christopher into the heart of the Church which transformed our lives. Something tells me that wouldn’t have happened if not for your mother’s love and support. It isn’t a coincidence that your mom will be laid to rest on the feast of St. Joseph the Worker Day and the May Crowning Day for Our Blessed Mother. I know St. Joseph and Our Lady are embracing her and placing her into the arms of Our Father to be reborn into eternal life… United in prayer, Monica

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Monica Rahilly of Londonderry, NH,

Dear Bob, Marlene and family, Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I have many childhood memories of coming to visit Aunt Gilda. I will always remember the trips to Cape Cod, Plymouth, the beach,taking me to get my favourite M&M ice cream and most of all her delicious homemade hamburgers. She was a wonderful,amazing, loving women and she will be greatly missed. Love Sue Horinga Daughter of Luciano and Serafina DeMelo

Posted: 4/30/2010 by Sue Horinga of Woodstock, Ontario, Canada

Bob, I was sorry to hear about your mother's passing. I remember her as a very kind and gentle person who always had a smile on her face. May your deep faith sustain you during this difficult time. Treasure your memories of her and take comfort in knowing that she's in a better place. May God grant you strength and peace. Please drop me a line when you feel up to it. Would love to hear from you. Denny

Posted: 5/1/2010 by Dennis Lang of St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Dear Father Bob, We were greatly saddened to hear about the passing of your mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The Jennings Family

Posted: 5/2/2010 by The Jennings Family of Londonderry, NH,

Marlene: George and I are so sorry to hear about your mom....wanted you to know that we both wish we could have been there for you and Fr. Bob in person, but our prayers, and thoughts are going to continue to be with you especially during this time....we love you all!"

Posted: 5/2/2010 by Duquette of Manchester, NH,

dear marlene, I was so sorry to hear of your mom's passing, sorry for you because there's just something special between a mother and her daughter, and sorry for bob, loving son, care -giver and companion. he will miss having her companionship daily. for your mother I have joy....that she is in the arms of God after a life spent doing good for many, being honest and true, having a wonderful sense of humor, working hard and with integrity, having courage in the face of loneliness, disease, and at one time, poverty. I have always admired as well as loved her and always considered her a very big part of my pride of heritage. my mother died at 92 also. they were such good friends over and above being relatives. they were supportive and kind to one another and trusted each other with the touchiest secret. i'd like to think they're together now. marlene, you got her genes....lots of spunk and positivity. may it remind you of your mother when you take the bull by the horns or when you help your kids and grandchildren. please give michael and the girls my heartfelt sympathy. they too have lost a jewel. God bless you in your grief and always. love, jaye

Posted: 5/2/2010 by Jaye of Altalnta, Georgia,

Dear Marlene and Family, I was so sorry to learn of your Mom's passing. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to lose such a gentle, kind and loving influence in your life. I think that God gave us special Moms like yours to show us that his unconditional love is possible on this earth. I know Tia Gilda left you so many special memories that you will always cherish. Please know that you will remain in my prayers and thoughts during this difficult time.God says, "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you . . ." (Isa. 66:13). With love and sympathy, Your cousin, Wayne

Posted: 5/2/2010 by Wayne Couto of , Alabama,

Fr. Bob: So sorry to hear about your mother. You are in my prayers. Diane Murphy Quinlan, Esq. Chancellor Diocese of Manchester

Posted: 5/3/2010 by Diane of Manchester, NH,

Bob-- I write to express my deep sorrow for you at the loss of your beloved mother. Know that I remember you and Gilda in prayer and in the stories you have shared. I hope you as a dutiful son will get some rest as you begin a grieving process which will, of its nature, be painful and hopeful in the Lord's promise of Easter joy. Fraternally, RICK

Posted: 5/3/2010 by Fr. Rick of Hampstead, NH,

Dear Fr Bob: I was so sorry to hear about your mother. No matter how much we expect our mother's death to come before ours there is just no way to prepare ourselves for the loss. She is our entire history. The one who was always there no matter what. Your mother was such a caring person. She will be missed by many.Best Wishes to You. Billie Jean

Posted: 5/3/2010 by Billy Jean of Londonderry, NH,

Dear Fr. Bob, I am sorry to learn that your mother has passed on to the Lord. I know the experience and how much the prayer support of family and friends helps us to get through such events. God bless you with His love and mercy. Sr. Isabel Bettwy

Posted: 5/3/2010 by Sr. Isabel of Steubenville, Ohio,

Dear Bob, Marlene and Family, My favourite place to go as a child was to Aunt Gilda's! I had so much fun there. Going to the beach, going to visit many places like Cape Cod and enjoying her delicous meals she made for us (especially her hamburgers and tuna salad sandwiches were my favourite). I have many loving memories of her and I will never forget the great, caring and loving woman she was. She will be deeply missed! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love Dorothy Daughter of Luciano & Serafina De Melo

Posted: 5/3/2010 by Dorothy Carroll & Family of Woodstock, Ontario, Canada

Dear Bob, I loved your Mom very much. She was very sweet and special. She always made anyone around her feel loved. She will be greatly missed. My heart and prayers are with you. Love, Sandy

Posted: 5/3/2010 by Sandy Dodier of Amesbury, Massachusetts,

Father Bob, Your mom was loved and touched so many parishioners at our church. She will always have a special place in my heart. Her devotion to our Lord and how much she thought of you. Even in her final days, she remembered her prayers. I know it is in one of the Scriptures - pray unceasingly. She did just that. Rick and Michelle

Posted: 5/4/2010 by Rick & Michelle of Londonderry, NH,

Fr. Bob, I am sorry to hear of your mothers passing . My God give you peace. Randy McClellan (Brother Knight)

Posted: 5/4/2010 by Randy of , NH,

Dear Fr Bob, The Capuchin Friars will remember your mother Gilda in their prayers at the tomb of Saint. Padre Pio. God bless. Julie Kerry Cifaldi

Posted: 5/5/2010 by Capuchian Friars of San Giovanni Rotondo, , Italy


Posted: 5/5/2010 by Peter Marciano of , , usa

Bob, I’m sorry to hear the news about your mother, I know how close you were to her. You were also a great son, taking care of her in her old age. I remember you telling me last year when I was visiting that she was living with you at the Rectory. It made me think about the priests in Portugal who always had either a sister or their mother living with them. What a blessing this must have been. Please be assured of my prayers for you and for your family as you go through these difficult days. I hope to see you soon, and wish you a blessed restful time away from the parish these weeks. God Bless, Fr. Jonathan

Posted: 5/5/2010 by Rev. Jonathan Gaspar of Boston, MA,

Oh Bob, I am so sorry. Although inevitable, it's never easy to say the final goodbye. She must have been a wonderful Mom and friend to so many people. Marlena

Posted: 5/5/2010 by Marlena of Chicago, Illinois,

Bobby, I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling. There is a big hole in your heart but if you just think of all the wonderful memories you have of your mom, the hole will not only be filled it will overflow. Love, Your friend Jan

Posted: 5/5/2010 by Jan Siers of Nashua, NH, USA

Bob: My deepest sympathies on your loss. Together with my community of retired priests, I offered a special Mass for your mom. May she rest in the Lord's peace. Mike

Posted: 5/6/2010 by Very Rev. E. Michael Camilli of Center Valley, PA, USA

Fr Bob: So Sorry to hear about your mother,s death. I just found out.I have been praying for her since I found out she was ill. My deep sympathy. Fleurette

Posted: 5/8/2010 by Fleurette of Milford, NH,

Fr. Bob, We are so sorry to hear of your Mothers passing. Our prayers are with you. Let your wonderful memories of her comfort you.

Posted: 5/8/2010 by The Frischmann Family of Londonderry, NH, USA

Hi Fr Bob, The condolences from your parish are so beautiful and oh so true about Ti Gilda. As I read them I had to insert the Ti for my Ti Gilda... Completing another chapter in our life's journey book is not easy at any stage especially when it comes to our parents. Your Mother was a lovely lady whom I always was glad to go visit even after I had moved away. In the later years when she was sometimes with you I would be disappointed that I had missed visiting with her during my visits to NB. Please know that I care deeply about you and Marlene even though the miles are great and the face to face visits are far too few. My prayers and thoughts are with during this time of grief and prayers that the pain turns soon into joyful memories of your wonderful Mother and my dear Ti Gilda. Love, Rose Ann

Posted: 5/10/2010 by Rose Ann Ferullo of Stroudsburgh, PA,

Fr. Bob, Sorry to hear about your Mom. I have thought about you and wanted to write the perfect words to help your healing during this difficult time... perhaps saying that you are in my prayers will help....i had the opportunity to meet your Mom once. I was driving Casey and Kip back from Newport, RI where we had gone for soccer games and we drove to your Mom's house in New Bedford. Your Mom was warm and welcoming to me, a stranger, who appeared at her front door. This favorite "movie" of mine comes to mind when i think of your Mom.... i hope this helps to comfort you. Take care, Fr. Bob. Love, Anne

Posted: 5/18/2010 by Anne Cheshire of Bonney Lake, Washington, USA

Fr. Bob, you and Marlene continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. It's never easy to lose anyone and for you having to say the Mass it's even harder. Your Mom was quite a lady. Love and prayers always, Pat and Ernie

Posted: 5/20/2010 by Pat & Ernie Kraut of , Arizona, USA

Dear Father Bob: We just returned from a pilgrimage which purpose was to attend the Passion Play at Oberammergau. It was a beautiful and inspiring experience. On the way there we also visited Rome, Florence, Venice and Innsbruck. We enjoyed visiting many holy and cultural places. But upon our return, we realize that our bodies cannot respond to all the walking we did as it did when we visited Medjugorge with you 20 years ago! I'm glad your sister ia spending time with you. You have each other to relive wonderful moments of the past spent with Mom. We are glad you are enjoying each other. In the holy places and especially in Oberammergau we prayed for you and your family, and we prayed to Gilda as I am certain we have a saint, even though she is not in an altar. People such as Gilda, who carried her cross valliantly during her last years on earth have the blessing of Our Lord to help all of us in our journey of faith. Bill and I remember you fondly, you and yours are always in our prayers. Love, hugs and prayers, Bill and Rhina

Posted: 5/22/2010 by Bill and Rheina Carmona of Stratford, CT,

We are deeply sadden by this news and our prayers and condolences go out to you and your family. She was a great woman. our deepest sympathy, Dan and Melissa Ondreyko

Posted: 5/22/2010 by Dan and Melissa Ondreyko of Binghamton, NY, USA



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