I wanted you to know that your mom was a very sweet woman and I am very fortunate to have known her. She had an impact on everyone and everything that she touched and all who knew are in a small way better for it. God Bless you1

Posted: 2/7/2010 by Jo-Ann M. Stankus of Woburn, MA, United States

Kevin, Kelcie, & Kirsten, Please except our sincere comdolences on the loss of your beautiful wife and mother. May she know rest in peace after her long and corageous battle. Mike & Erin

Posted: 2/7/2010 by Erin & Mike Lafond of Manchester, NH,

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. She was a very special friend. I am so very sorry for your loss. To Kelcie and Kirsten: I know how proud your mother was of you both. Now you have a very special angel watching over you. Sincerely, Jo Durfee

Posted: 2/7/2010 by Joanne Durfee of Laconia , NH,

To Kevin,Kelsy,Kirsten; Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. Karen was an extraordinary woman. She never failed to bring her beautiful smile where ever she went. No matter where you ran into Karen she always had time to stop and talk-her friendliness and genuine spirit will be missed by our family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. The Boyle Family, Mike Angi, Dana and Devin

Posted: 2/8/2010 by The Boyle Family of Londonderry, NH, U.S.A

Kevin, Kelcie and Kirsten, I am truely sorry to hear of Karen's passing. Please know that your in our thoughts and prayers.

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Jim Belanger of Londonderry, NH,

Our heartfelt prayers and love go out to all. She will be greatly missed and always loved.

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Michele LaBranche of York, ME, USA

Dear Malloy/Palermo family We are so saddened to hear about your loss. Karen was a great friend when you needed one, and you couldn't help but be happy when she smiled at you with those beautiful big eyes.We are greatful we got to know her if only for a little while, I know she watches out for you from above and loved you all so very much. Gasparola Family

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Chris of Shorewood , IL, USA

Dear Joan & Bob, We are so sorry to hear of Karens' passing. It has been so many years since the Project on Hilldale Ave., but we do remember Karen and we will pray for her. We are in Florida, otherwise we would be at her services. Love, Eileen & Nick

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Nick & Eileen Debitetto of North Andover, MA, USA

Even though it has been many years since we had seen Karen, she was always in our thoughts & prayers throughout her long illness. We are so sorry to hear of her passing, but she leaves an amazing legacy in her beautiful daughters. Our hearts go out to you all. Peace. Allison, Jim & Rachel

Posted: 2/8/2010 by McCoy Family of Londonderry, NH,

I was deeply saddened to hear of Karen's passing. For the past year Karen was such an important part of my team at CompuCom, that I would have been lost without her. She always had a positive attitude, and a smile in her voice. I truly regret that I never had the opportunity to meet her in person. My heart goes out to her family.

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Gary Meyer of Coppell, Texas, USA

I only knew Karen from work but she always had a smile & was always there to help. We will miss her. My deepest sympathies. Mike Bahia

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Mike Bahia of Chelmsford, MA,

I knew you as a child in the neighborhood, then lost track of you. I heard many good things about you, only wish I had the chance to know you as an adult. You were taken way too soon. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends. R.I.P. Karen. Rella (Bertholdt) Bartlett

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Rella of Plaistow, ,

Dear Kevin, Kelcie and Kirsten, We are all so deeply saddened by Karen's passing. We wish for you to have comfort in all the memories of the wonderful times that you shared. Love, The Pierog Family: Joe, Michele, Joey, Zachary, Jake and Sam

Posted: 2/8/2010 by The Pierog Family of Chester, NH, USA

Rich, Pilar & Family, and Malloy/Palermo family. We are so very sorry for your loss. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers - Denise, Neil, Hayden & Jillian

Posted: 2/8/2010 by The Bergerons of Stratham, NH,

To Bob, Joanie, Michael, Richard, Bobby and Karen's Husband and children: I was so sad to hear of Karen's passing. I have such fond memories of Karen and the whole family. It's been a long time since the project but those memories will always be with me. May all your wonderful memories help you through this very difficult time. Love, Maureen

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Maureen Webster Paradis of Brookline, NH, USA

My prayers are with your family during this diffucult time. Kevin, Kelcie and Kirsten I am sorry for your loss. I grew up down the street from your Mom/Wife and she has always been a beautiful person. She was a few years older than me, but I did have the pleasure of going to Ireland with her and Joan and have those memories. My condolences also to Joan, Bob, Bobby, Micheal and Richard and their families.

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Caryn (Fitzpatrick) Gerczak of Hatfield , PA, USA

Dear Palermo Family and Malloy Family, I am deeply saddened to hear of Karen's death. I have fond memories of Karen's beautiful smile and her gorgeous hair. As a little girl, I always admired Karen and she was always so kind to me. You are all in my thoughts. I wish for peace to find you soon as you mourn the loss of your lovely daughter, sister, wife, and mother. With sincere sympathy, Jennifer (Paul) Perreault

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Jennifer (Paul) Perreault of , ,

To Kelcie and family: Our deepest thoughts and sympathy with you at this difficult time. We love you and we will be here for your support whenever you need it. Our prayers are with your family.

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Merrimack College Lacrosse of North Andover, MA,

Dear Kevin and Family, We wanted to let you know you are all in our hearts and prayers. Another precious life seemed taken too soon. We will always remember Karen's bright smile and some very fun times in Vermont. Find strength knowing she is at peace and free from all the challenges of this world. The door is always open here at the Fox for you. May God Bless and Keep You. Tom & Cindy Logan and family

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Tom and Cindy Logan of Bondville, Vermont,

Kevin, I was very sorry to hear of Karen's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Cliff

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Cliff Honiker of Jacksonville, FL,

Kevin, Kelcie and Kirsten, I am sorry that Karen is no longer with us. She always brought smiles and joy where ever I saw her. She always will whenever I think of her. I'm sorry for the void we are all left with. You are in my thoughts.

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Kevin King of Londonderry, NH,

To all who knew and loved Karen, our lives were better for having known her. She was an inspiration and our hearts go out for her two beautiful daughters, husband, and all the family. With deepest sympathy -Chris & Diane

Posted: 2/8/2010 by Chris and Di of Cape Coral , Florida, US

Kevin although we didn't see much of you and Karen over the years We thought of you often. We want you to know that we are praying for you and your girls and know that Karen has found peace from her suffering. Love Peg and Cliff

Posted: 2/9/2010 by Aunt Peggy and Uncle Cliff of McDonoough , Georgia,

Dear Malloy/Palermo Family, I am very sadden to hear of your mother's passing. I grew up with your mother in Plaistow and we went to PMA together. She was a kind, wonderful person with a contagious smile. We spoke at the class reunion a couple years back, she was so proud of her family. She was a special person, rest in peace Karen.

Posted: 2/9/2010 by Deb Robinson Gilbert of New Gloucester , ME,

Dear Kevin, Henry & I just want you to know how sorry we are for your loss. Karen was a loving and wonderful person and we will always remember the good times we had with you and Karen when Susan lived in New Hampshire. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughters at this time. Henry & Barbara Kirchner

Posted: 2/9/2010 by Barbara Kirchner of Hinsdale,, Ma, USA

I am deeply saddened to read about the passing of Karen. She was a beautiful person. I use to work with her at Wang Labs. My deepest sympathy to her family. Jennie Taveras

Posted: 2/9/2010 by Jennie Taveras of Methuen, MA,

Dear Kevin, Kelcie ad Kirsten, Kevin, we will always have those wonderful memories of the fun at 1515 Beacon, then on to Comm Ave. She was the shinning star of Northeastern Univ. She will always be your shinning star. Kelcie and Kirsten, Although I did not know you, knowing your Mom, she is so proud of both of you. Know that she will always be with you.

Posted: 2/9/2010 by Abbe Segal-Rice of Boston, MA, usa

To Kevin, Kelcie, Kirsten and the Palermo Family; My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort. Sincerely, Karen O'Neill (I worked in Karen's group at Getronics)

Posted: 2/9/2010 by Karen O'Neill of Chelmsford, MA,

Kevin, Although we never got to know Karen and your girls as well as we would have liked because of the miles between us, I was deeply saddened to hear of your loss. Her life was too short, cherish those 22 years forever. Love, Wendy "What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget."

Posted: 2/9/2010 by Wendy of Dunedin, Fl,

Ever since I started with Getronics whenever I called warrantyon a part issue and heard her voice on voicemail or in person she always sound cheerfull even in the last few years I talk to her. I lost family to cancer and my heart goes out to the family of Karen and so do my prayers. She will be highly missed>

Posted: 2/9/2010 by Marlin Adams of rockwall, texas, usa

Even though we never had the opportunity to actually meet in person, your passing will forever leave a bit of emptyness... May the angels in Heaven guide you to a better place and to look over your family.

Posted: 2/9/2010 by Jeff Young (CompuCom) of Houston , TX,

Kevin & Family I was so sad to hear about Karen. I will always remember the fun times with you guys years ago in Nantucket and her awesome smile and laugh. I trust that Karen has gone to a better place and I pray for peace and comfort for you and your family. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" Matthew 5:4 "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God" Matthew 5:8 Karen will live on in the hearts of those who loved and cared for her forever. Be Well Kevin. Jill Caisey

Posted: 2/10/2010 by Jill Caisey of Hampton, NH, USA

Dear Kelcie and family, My deepest sympathy to you & your family. May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared, comfort you now and in the days ahead. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. Love Susan Gaw & Family

Posted: 2/10/2010 by Susan Gaw of Londonderry, ,

Joan & Bob: I want to give you my sincerest sympathy. My thoughts & prayers are with you all. Maryann

Posted: 2/10/2010 by maryann vaillancourt of plaistow, nh, usa

Karen witnessed the essence of belief and trust in a loving, caring, compassionate God. Her faith, her belief, her trust were real. She is now fully alive - free from her cancer and she continues to live among us through her wonderful daughters. Fr. Bob

Posted: 2/10/2010 by Fr. Bob Couto of Londonderry, NH, USA

Kevin ,Kelcie, Kirsten and the Palermo family, I am so sorry to hear that Karen passed away. So very sad. She was a beautiful girl who was always so generous with her smile, laughter and sweet, kindness. I am sure she has passed these down to her daughters and will remain in your lives. A neighbor on East Road, Jayne (Fitzpatrick) Timlin. peace....

Posted: 2/11/2010 by Jayne Timlin of New York, NY, New York

We want to offer our sincere regrets for the loss of Karen. We have always felt like the Palermos were our second family. Throughout my long relationship with Bobby, I always have been fortunate to be updated on how wonderful his sister Karen was -- truly a genuine, strong, intelligent, and spectacular girl. I feel priviledged to have known her. She was always a star in her family and now she'll be a star forever in the heavens.

Posted: 2/11/2010 by Darron & Sue Goldman of Jupiter, FL, USA

Kevin, Keeping you and the girls in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I pray you can all remember the happy times and will cherish your loving memories. Denise Henault

Posted: 2/12/2010 by Denise Henault of Alachua, FL, USA



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