12/21/2009 Kathleen Shannon
Norwood, Ma,
Dear Stan, Dennis, Sr. Patricia and family, I was sorry to hear from Nancy tonight that Richard had passed away. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers as will Richard. Love, Cousin Kathy Shannon

12/22/2009 pamela meehan
Glastonbury, ct, usa
I met Richard when my parents moved to Edelweiss. He was an important part of their lives. My dad and aunt bowled with him and my parents and aunt formed Team 1 in Trivia twice a week. He was an engaging, interesting man and wil be greatly missed by all of us. Please accept my sympathies for your loss. I wish I could be there tomorrow.

12/22/2009 Dennis Christo
West Boylston, MA, USA
My deepest sympathy at the loss of your loved one. May he rest in Eternal Peace and may you be comforted by many loving memories. I recall our time together at Northeastern ROTC and his support of our ROTC Alumni Society. Regards, Dennis

12/22/2009 Dick Power
Walpole, MA, USA
I am saddened to hear of Dick's death. I know that he struggled these past few years, but he was a stalwart at our Northeastern University ROTC Alumni events and it was always a great pleasure to see him again. Despite his infirmities, ever true to the term, he "soldiered on". He was a fine guy, a good classmate, and he served his country well. No one could do more. He is now at peace and has shed his troubles, but whenever we gather we will remember him. My prayers are offered to his family in their time of sorrow; I am confident he is in the Lord's hands. I wish I could be present tomorrow but have a commitment I cannot break.

12/22/2009 Henry Biggs (Hank)
Indian Trail, NC, USA
Dick and I were close friends at NU. He was also a roommate of mine while we attended Signal School at Fort Monmouth. Bless him for serving his country so loyally. Dick was always a kind man with a great sense of humor. I will miss you, Dick, here on earth but I'll see you "soon" (God's will). I'm glad you are in God's hands and safe forever more.

12/22/2009 Gerard and Jane Gawalt
Springfield, Virginia, USA
Dick had a hearty laugh and a warm personality. In college he was a friend and a P/R brother-enough said. As a relative, he was open and inviting. We will miss Dick or Richard as he was often called. We will be at his service in spirit, although storm and season prevent our personal attendance. Our deepest sympathy goes to his family.

12/22/2009 Robert Gaudet
Gainesville, Virginia, USA
I am an NU grad 1966 and came to know Dick when as an upperclassman he earned the respect and friendship of many who he came in contact in ROTC, especially in Pershing Rifles and Scabbard & Blade. My deepest condolences to the family. Know that Dick was very well admired by his contemporaries at Northeastern.

12/22/2009 Kevin M. Upton
Silver Spring, MD, USA
Rest in Peace.

12/22/2009 harry vakalis
boston, mass,
My condolences. harry

12/22/2009 Jason Sokolov
Ipswich, MA, USA
I met Dick when we were pledges in Pershing Rifles at Northeastern, and we were both involved for five years of frequent contact. Later we joined Scabbard & Blade together. He was a fine young man who matured into an exemplary officer and friend. It is difficult to believe that 51 years have passed since we met as very young men and that Dick, and many of our friends of those days are gone. We will miss Dick deeplu and offer our sincere condolences to his family. Jason & Marion Sokolov

1/1/2010 M. Veal
Winter Haven, FL, USA
Dear Trisha and family, I am sorry for your loss. I am happy for Richard. He did so much for others. Like your mom and dad, he made me feel like family. I feel very blessed to have known him, if even, only for a short time. His spirit carries on for him.

1/3/2010 Lawrence Applebaum
Sandhausen, Baden-Württemburg, Germany
I just returned from an extended vacation and found the various email messages concerning Dick's recent death. I, too, remember him well and it was a privilege to know and call him a Pershing Rifles brother. I am sorry to hear of his passing and I offer my sincere condolences to his family.



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