Dear Adine and family, My heart is broken for all of you...what a devastating loss. Words are inadequate at this time to express my deep, deep sadness - while I never had the honor of meeting Phil, it was obvious from your stories that he was a wonderful, loving man who adored his wife and family. In sympathy, Elizabeth Schon Vainer

Posted: 11/27/2009 by Elizabeth Schon Vainer of Melrose, MA,

Adine You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry for your loss. Love Emily

Posted: 11/27/2009 by Emily Nunez of wakefield, ma, usa

Dear Adine ,Manny and family - This is stunning and tragic ...and horribly sad beyond words and belief. We're honored to have met and known Phil. His presence and joy will be missed for certain. -God bless him. Our family was hit the same way and we are here for you guys in any way possible . ANYTIME (717 201-4519) -With heart felt condolences and support, Paul and Shiloh VanHyll

Posted: 11/28/2009 by Paul VanHyll of derry, NH, usa

Phil was one of the nicest gentleman I've had the privilage of knowing. I met him some years ago working at Fidelity. Phil was always smiling. If he saw you walking by he'd hail you over, ask how you were, and more often than not, tell a hilarious story. Even if you were only slightly acquainted with Phil, he made you feel like you were best friends. He was one of a kind and will truly be missed. My heartfelt condolences to his family.

Posted: 11/28/2009 by Pete Mulholland of Merrimack, NH, 03054

The Justiniano Family sincerely express their condolences to the Latimore Family in this time of sorrow and hardship. It is in these heart-breaking and life-altering situations that we as Christians are able to sense God's amazing love and embrace - as He comforts us through family and friends. Phil is gone, but his memories are not. We lost him, but another son returns to the Father. Psalm 139:1-18 "...When I awake, I am still with you. "

Posted: 11/28/2009 by Justiniano Family of Shrewsbury, MA, Worcester

The picture of Phil, is the one that I always will remember. He always had a smile on his face, and spoke very highly of his family. My family and I are so sorry for your loss. There is one less all around great guy in this world, and he will be sorely missed.

Posted: 11/28/2009 by Ken Johnson of Merrimack, NH, United States

At times like this words never seem to be enough, but those that are spoken offer some solice. While I only knew Phil from football I can only echo thoughts that others have posted. Always smiling. Always caring. Always looking to help. And some great sideline and walking across the field conversations are what I will remember. Comitted to his son and to the Wolverine organization I can only imagine how he was to the rest of the family. In this sad time I wish I knew him better. For I know it would have brought a smile to my heart... And I would have been better for it. Quantity can be measured. Quality cannot. I will miss a quality person. Adine the Smith family shares your sorrow and you have our love and faith that God will welcome Phil. And he probably has him smiling. And working the sidelines!!

Posted: 11/28/2009 by Thomas Smith of Plaistow, NH, USA

We at Allen Motors had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Latimore for many years. This is going to be such a loss to the Latimore family, and their many friends. You don't come across REALLY nice people every day. And he was one.

Posted: 11/28/2009 by Tracey Allen-Jolicoeur of Derry, NH,

Adine, Manny and Family, Please know how much we are thinking of you. Phil was obviously a blessed man. He had a wonderful family and had the joy of welcoming a grandchild! Manny- take the memory of your father smiling on the sidelines,laughing and enjoying watching you play football with you. We are so sorry for your loss.

Posted: 11/28/2009 by Dave and Michelle Guilherme of Derry, N.H.,

To Manny and family, My deepest sympathy to you and your family at this time. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Mrs. Lalos

Posted: 11/29/2009 by Jodi of Hooksett, NH, USA

Phil was one of the nicest guys i have ever met. So sorry for your loss.

Posted: 11/29/2009 by Steve of Manchester, NH,


Posted: 11/29/2009 by Karyn Evlog of Peabody, MA, USA

Phil was such a nice guy. I never saw him without a smile on his face. He will truly be missed by the derry community and wolverines family. God bless his wife and kids.

Posted: 11/29/2009 by LLoyd Williams and family of derry, nh, us

Phil and I worked together at Fidelity. Phil was a great guy to work with and to be with. We had alot of good times and many laughs together. He will truly be missed.

Posted: 11/29/2009 by Squire Stephens of Merrimack, NH,

Our heartfelt condolences go out to you in this time of great sorrow. Phil was a kind and giving person, always helping out friends and co workers, sharing stories, and sharing his good-natured sense of humor. He was a good friend and a great guy and his presence will be greatly missed.

Posted: 11/29/2009 by Don Savard of Pelham, NH, USA

I've known Phil for only three short years - not nearly long enough to have someone so special in your life, yet I am thankful for the time I had to know him. I worked with Phil and learned a lot from him, but his friendship was so much more than any of that and I will miss my friend greatly. Phil was such a charismatic and outgoing personality that the huge number of lives and hearts I know he has touched here at Fidelity are, I am certain, only a small fraction of those he has impacted in this world. I only wish my words were enough to truly express the sadness I feel for his absence. May peace, kindness and love be with you all.

Posted: 11/29/2009 by Tom Cassidy of Greenville, NH, USA

Adine Manny and family. Words cannot express our sorrow for your loss. Phil was such a happy man, always greeting everyone with a beautiful smile.It has been an honor to get to know your family through the Wolverines. Mr. Testa spoke of your faith and it must give you great comfort to know that Phil is in heaven, at home with Our Lord.Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The Foskitts

Posted: 11/29/2009 by Donna Alan and Garrett Foskitt and family of derry, nh,

Adine, you and Phil have done an amazing job with your family. It is easy to see the strength and committment to each other that you have to life and family. It is that same strength and committment to each other and your faith that will be your strength right now. You have also built a strong community of friends here in Derry, that will be there for you, in prayer and in need. May God be with your during this troubling time and his guidence preserve you in all the days to follow.

Posted: 11/29/2009 by Sue Burton of Derry, NH, USA

Phil was nothing but a fun loving guy. Phil always spoke highly of his family. He always made me laugh and I did look up to him. He was very wise and always gave me good advice. I've known Phil for about 16yrs and was one of my first co-workers at Fidelity. Phil never say one thing bad about anyone. He will be missed so much.

Posted: 11/30/2009 by Joe Tisa of Fitchburg, Ma, USA

We at Fidelity are a close family and will miss Phil very much. We would like to express our deepest sympathy in this time of grief. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family always.

Posted: 11/30/2009 by Darrell hazley of Dallas, Texas,

Dearest Adine and Family...I am thinking of all of you right now and keeping you in my prayers. I can only imagine how heartsick you all are, I hope you know how much your friends love you and wish we could take away this pain. Please find strength in eachother, lean on us in anyway you need. I only knew Phil through you, but it was so very clear to me how much you all loved eachother. It was a blessing for all of us to see and aspire to in our own families. With Much Love and Deepest Sympathy~Lindsay

Posted: 11/30/2009 by Lindsay Clapp of Lowell, Ma,

Dear Latimore Family, My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Your dad and husband was a wonderful man and I am proud to have known him and all of you. It was a privilege to have you all as part of our South Range School family. My heart goes out to you at your loss. Love, Susan Walters

Posted: 11/30/2009 by Susan Walters of Londonderry, NH, United States

I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope the closeness of family, friends, and a new grandchild will offer some comfort. Yours in Christ, Michelle

Posted: 11/30/2009 by Michelle McKinney of Andover, MA,

Dear Sonja and family, my heartfelt condolences on your very tragic loss. I am thinking of you in mourning. Love, Cyrisse

Posted: 11/30/2009 by Cyrisse Jaffee of Newton, MA, USA

Dear Adine- So sorry to learn of the loss of your husband. My family and I are praying for comfort for you and your family during this time. Your sister in Christ, Deborah Smith

Posted: 11/30/2009 by Deborah of Andover, MA, United States

Those of us fortunate enough to have known Phil, will agree that he was an amazing man, a true gentleman and a happy soul! "Although it's difficult to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow." We will miss him!

Posted: 11/30/2009 by Hook Family of Manchester, NH, United States

Dear Adine, Shari, Nichell, and Manny, We can only start by saying what a truly special man Phil was. Phil had that rare ability to always be positive, always be happy, and was ALWAYS smiling. He had a tremendous amount of pride for his family. We have spent a long time with Phil on the sidelines and in the bleachers sharing stories,especially about our boys and their... shall we say forgetfulness? (sorry Derick and Manny) Needless to say, we always ended up laughing! We can't even begin to tell you how much we are going to miss Phil, but then again we think you may already know judging from the outpouring of love and support you have received. Phil was certainly one of a kind and will be truly missed by us all.......... Love, The Coombs Family Kim, Ron, Danielle, and Derick

Posted: 11/30/2009 by Kim, Ron, Danielle, and Derick Coombs of Derry, NH,

Please be assured of my thoughts and prayers for all of you at this time. Phil was a wonderful man and I always enjoyed speaking with him.

Posted: 12/1/2009 by Rich Belles of Burlington, MA, USA

Dear Latimores, Those of us who work with Sonja at WGBH are so very saddened by this sudden and tragic news. We are thinking of all of you and know that together, you will get through this week and then face the future.

Posted: 12/1/2009 by Gay Mohrbacher of Winchester, MA,

My Dear Gail: I have just learned that the Lord has taken your brother home. I know it is difficult to see the good in such a sudden event but we know and trust that what God Almighty has seen fit to do can only be best. We lean on His understanding as we go through these challenging times. Please know that my family and I are also here for you. Let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do. Love, love, love, Alda Marshall Harris

Posted: 12/1/2009 by Alda Marshall Harris of Boston, MA,

To Micheal and family, may your memories comfort you in this time of sorrow. God Bless.

Posted: 12/1/2009 by Jim Linnehan of West Roxbury, MA,

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time...I am so sorry for your loss. Sarah Dunn RN Sane South Eastern MA

Posted: 12/1/2009 by Sarah Dunn of East Bridgewater, MA,

Dear Adine, My condolence to you and your family,my thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of sorrow.Your sister in christ.Judith O'connor

Posted: 12/1/2009 by Judith O'connor of Haverhill, MA, USA

To Phil's Family Please accept my prayers and condolences in your loss. Phil was a great guy who I had the pleasure of working with over the years, and each time you saw him...He made you laugh..Great sense of humor and total devotion to family and his co-workers. I really enjoyed our conversations of family life and especially sports of which was an important part of his life. He told me about his children & new grand-child and he was riding on cloud nine telling me about this. I will remember him in my prayers and I also pray that Phil's family will find peace along the road of life.......Respectfully, Bernie Fallon @ RISK- Fidelity Boston Mass.

Posted: 12/2/2009 by Bernie Fallon of Belmont, Mass, USA

To Adine, Manny and the entire Lattimore family,we extend our deepest condolences to all of you for your loss. Though I did not know Phil that well, my husband got to talk with quite a bit on sidelines. He was always smiling, happy and offered encouragement to all the players. When his grandson was born he was beaming with delight. I know the suddeness of your loss is difficult, but please know that we, along with many other people from the community will pray for you during this time of need. You were blessed with a wonderful gift and memories that will carry on for a lifetime.

Posted: 12/2/2009 by Karen, Roy and Cameron Hayward of Derry, NH, USA

Dear Adine. My sympathy to you and your family. I wish I had the right words to confort you at this time. May God grant you peace, I know his love for you will see you through. Blessings, Blondie.

Posted: 12/2/2009 by Blondie Alvaranga of Haverhill, Ma, USA



Phil will be missed a great deal. I never heard a mean or bad thing coming from him. I will surely missed working with him. I worked with Phil most of his 20 yrs at Fidelity. Things just will not be the same here.

Posted: 12/2/2009 by Paul Billotte of South Boston, Ma , 02127

Dear Latimore Family, I am terribly sorry for your loss, and I'm thinking of you all. - Manny's classmate

Posted: 12/3/2009 by Brianne Torre of Derry, Nh, usa

Phil, I will miss coming into work and talking sports with you, and the jokes we shared, you were a great guy and will be missed by all here. Sincerly, Matt

Posted: 12/3/2009 by Matt Manley of Lowell, MA, USA



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