Heidi, We were sadden to hear of the passing of your Dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love Linda & Tom

Posted: 10/15/2009 by Linda LaPierre of Chichester, NH, USA

Dear Heidi, Pam, Jay, Mrs. Hale and family, So sorry to hear about Mr. Hale. He had the greatest smile and twinkle in his eyes! When I would see him, we would always share stories about our dogs and he'd teach me something about farming. A great man, whose legacy will live on in all of you. Thinking of you during this sad time and wishing you all peace and love. Eileen and Brian

Posted: 10/9/2009 by Eileen Grunwald of Pittsfield, MA, USA

Dear Heidi and Family, Heidi and I were college roomates. We made a deal that she would take me on a tractor ride and I would take her to a Broadway play. THat was one of the first times I met Heidi's Father and I knew instantly right away why they were very close. Mr. Hale was a man who enjoyed a simple life but was a great man none the less. He was a friend to all and a stranger to none. His smile showed his goodness, his sense of humor and his gentle ways. All dogs loved him - they knew a good man when they saw him. He will be surely missed by everyone he touched. Love, Cee

Posted: 10/9/2009 by Carolyn Curtin of Eastport, New York, USA

Jay, Pam, Heidi and family. I so sorry for your loss of your dad. I know how special he was and how much he meant to all of you. Please know that my heart goes out to all of you and that you will be in my thoughts and prayers today and the days to come. Love always, Kenda

Posted: 10/9/2009 by Kenda (Boles) Baxter of Tallahassee, FL, USA

Mrs. Hale and family: I am so sorry to hear of Mr. Hale's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sharon A. Harding Reed Retired Litchfield PD

Posted: 10/9/2009 by Sharon A. Harding Reed of Litchfield, NH,

I am sorry to learn of Jay's passing. He has always had a special place in my heart. Living in Litchfield all of my life our lives crossed in many ways. Working on the farm was the first of my summer jobs - either at the stand or in the field and being part of the Hale family for awhile is part of who and what I am today. He was a gentle giant, loved his flowers and gardens, and had the best smile ever. My condolences to all.

Posted: 10/9/2009 by Joanne Smith - Giles of Litchfield, NH,

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Posted: 10/12/2009 by Carrie Lafontaine Johnson of Amarillo, Tx,

I was so sorry to hear about Jay D, my condolences to you all, Candace, Jay,Heidi,Pam , Fred and Fey. God Bless

Posted: 10/12/2009 by Jim Leach of Rockland, Maine,

Heidi and Family- What a wonderful legacy you have - as a family and as a deep part of the Litchfield community. Know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers. It is never an easy journey, but one that is treasured, nonetheless. Love, Linda & Dennis Scott

Posted: 10/12/2009 by Linda Scott of Windham, NH, USA

Dear Fred And Barbara, I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May your memories of Jay D. comfort you at this most difficult time.

Posted: 10/11/2009 by Donna Cain of Nashua, N.H., United States

I was sorry to hear of Jay D.'s passing. My prayers and condolences go to Candace and her entire family. I did not know Jay D. well, but I remember Candace talking about her "Texas cowboy" Jay D. He will be missed by all who knew him. Marge Dabrowski

Posted: 10/11/2009 by Marge Dabrowski of Litchfield, NH, USA

My prayers are with Jay's family... I have so many fond memories of the years I knew Jay and his family when I was in N.H. Jay epitomized the meaning of a "pure and kind" heart. Without fully realizing it, his life was overflowing with the gentle compassion and faithfulness of God. To Candace and all the family -- may the peace of knowing that our life only begins on earth be with you. Bob and Molly

Posted: 10/11/2009 by Bob Higgins of Bellevue, Wa. , USA



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