I am so sorry, all of you are in my thoughts. Toots

Posted: 3/21/2009 by Royann of Clayton, NC, United States

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I worked at J.J. Newberry's "way back when," when Alberta worked in the office there. Many memories of those days. Know you are held in prayer. God bless. Audrey Torrey

Posted: 3/21/2009 by Audrey Torrey of Pittsfield, NH,

3/21 I want to send my sympathies to all the Pingree Family. God bless her and my she rest in peace. Mary Thomopoulos

Posted: 3/21/2009 by Mary Thomopoulos of Londonderry, NH, USA

"When you were born, an angel smiled, As you became a child, an angel sat on your shoulder. When you became an adult, an angel held your hand. As you grew old, an angel walked down the road with you, And, when you died, another angel got their wings." Grammy will always be in our hearts and memories. -Lots of love - Lisa, John and Sean

Posted: 3/21/2009 by Lisa Pingree Canavan of Auburn, NH, United States

My heart is filled with sadness at the loss of your mother. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Love Elaine and Pete

Posted: 3/22/2009 by Elaine Latulippe of Derry, NH, USA

Ned, Mo, Bonnie, Nancy, Trixie, Trudy, and all the children, I met 'Mum" 46 years ago at a dance at Hood School and I liked her immediately. I recognized the love and concern she had for her children and I always admired her for that. She was always driving you somewhere...drum & bugle corps, school functions...and she never complained. Dad and you kids and your kids were the center of her universe. She was an excellent mother-in-law to me and a wonderful grandmother to Lori and Lisa. She and Dad took them places and kept them up at the lake for weeks during their summer vacations. Even after the divorce, she gave me motherly advice, which I always appreciated. I'm honored to have known her and privileged to have been part of the Pingree family. Mom & Dad will be together for eternity now. God bless you all. Jeanne

Posted: 3/22/2009 by Jeanne Landry of Venice, FL,

Dear Trixie, Trudy and all the Pingree's - we are so sad to hear of your mom's passing. We pray that all the laughter and joy she both brought and enjoyed will be remembered midst the pain of losing her to the Lord.

Posted: 3/22/2009 by Vickie & Donald Chase of Melbourne, FL, USA

Prayers and deepest sympathy to Alberta's family and friends. Sincerely, Dotte & family.

Posted: 3/22/2009 by Dotte Wallace of Derry NH, ,

Dear Pingree Family, We are so sorry to hear of the passing of Alberta. She will always be remembered with such respect and love. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you celebrate her incredible life. All our love always, John and Wynette

Posted: 3/22/2009 by John & Wynette of Gilford, NH,

It’s a bitter sweet moment when you witness the birth of your first grandchild only to find out your own Grammy had passed away only moments before. I will always treasure the times we had together and I will make sure I give to my new grandson, Noah, the same treasured memories that his great great grandmother gave to me. She will be remembered fondly and missed greatly but we all need to remember she lives on in each one of us.

Posted: 3/24/2009 by Lori Milton of Auburn, NH,

Nancy & The Pingree Family, we are so sorry for your loss. Nancy you've been in my thoughts since we ran into each other at the hospital. Buster & I lost his mom in January. I'ts such a though time to go through. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

Posted: 3/30/2009 by Marie & Buster Brown of Derry, NH, Rockingham



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