Johnnie, I am so proud to be your sister. You are a man of great integrity, intelligence, honesty, kindness, compassion and love. I will miss your hearty laugh that came from your toes when we told each other jokes(only jokes that we as Bezdegian siblings would understand and think were funny). I will miss your calm when I was shaken or upset or scared. You made my life a wonderful life from childhood to adulthood. I feel so sad and cheated not growing old as so many brothers and sisters do; growing old to share more laughter and make more memories. What a lucky person I am to have you for a brother....what a lucky world this world is for having you as an active participant. I am honored to call myself your sister. Everything you did was without fanfare or hoopla but you deserve a standing ovation for the person you are and the life you led. You are truly a gentlemen, a wonderful brother, and true friend. My life will never be the same without you but you will live in my heart forever. I love you Johnnie. Thanks for being the big brother who walked me to Kindergarten and never left me even though you were in the 5th grade and it was so uncool to hang out with your kindergarten cry baby sister, but even at that young age you knew who you were and what was important. Thanks for making me secure when I was scared of the dark. Thanks for always saying I will do that when it came to Mom and Dave's care. You are so gentle and so strong, so calm and reassuring, so funny and fun. You never had an envious bone in your body. You were happy for everyone and their accomplishments and were helpful to those less fortunate. You were a team member and a team player and never had to be asked to help. You were free with compliments and never did an ill word leave your lips. You are an angel and God must have needed an extra special angel in heaven. God made the greatest choice for heaven but it has left me broken hearted and so sad. Johnnie I will miss you and your slangs, your sounds, your cheerful gorgeous smile. My darling brother I will miss you for the rest of my life. Thank you for being you. My extra special, wonderful, kindhearted, warm brother Johnnie. All my love forever. xoxoxox Jo

Posted: 2/21/2009 by jo of worcester, ma, usa

To Our Beloved Brother John, John you have broken our hearts, leaving us so soon. Our lives will never be the same without you. We want you to know that you will always be LOVED and CHERISHED for the kind, thoughtful, gentle, strong, and genuinely sweet and caring brother and friend you are and always will be to us. We will treasure the beautiful memories of our lives together and will always keep them close to our hearts. We will never ever forget you and the wonderful human being that you were and we are so proud that we had you for a brother and a friend. Our LOVE and PRAYERS for ever and ever. Jan & Steve XXOO

Posted: 2/21/2009 by Jan & Steve Phillips of Worcester, MA, USA

It was my pleasure to work with John, at Commercial Union, for many years. Although it has been 4 years since I last worked with him, he did manage to cross my mind every now and then. He was never forgotten. My sympathy goes out to the entire family for your loss as I am sure he with be missed more than any one can imagine.

Posted: 2/22/2009 by Denise McGovern of North Attleboro, MA, United States

It was my pleasure to have worked with John for nearly 20 years at Commercial Union and now OneBeacon Insurance. Over the years John and I shared many conversations – each one containing at least a few laughs as we joked around with each other. John was as kind, intelligent, and warm hearted a person as you could hope to meet. He will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him. My deepest sympathy to the entire family on your loss.

Posted: 2/22/2009 by Warren Benson of Attleboro, MA, United States

John, I still can't believe it. When we sat across from each other in 1989,working for Commercial Union on MDII we found out we both graduated UMass the same year. You were there the day I worked, left to go home and had my son that night. He's 18 now. I will miss seeing you at the microwave every day and saying good morning. My thoughts are with you, Roslyn

Posted: 2/22/2009 by Roslyn Levine of Mansfield, Mass , USA

Rarely do I become as devastated and completely unraveled as I was this morning when I saw Johnny's obituary. He was one of my childhood "best friends" He protected me and guided me in many ways. Though our lives took different paths I always managed to keep track of him through the years. I always looked up to him and admired him. I was proud to have been his friend. The Bezdegian family--I can only imagine the anguish and loss you suffer. May sweet memories somehow ease the pain. Deepest sympathy. Joey D'Angelo Godspeed my beloved "Stitch"

Posted: 2/22/2009 by Joey D'Angelo of worcester, MA, USA

We received the news of John's death with great disappointment and feeling for you and your family, Anita. Such a fine, handsome man. Our hearts ache for your loss. Not long ago you and I prepared for your father's funeral. I was able to meet John and others of your family at that time, especially your son who played the organ so beautifully. God bless you, dear Anita and family.

Posted: 2/23/2009 by Pastor and Mrs. Ray F. Daniel of Melrose, MA, USA

Papa, I'm sorry that I don't have much to say, but i wanted to get a few things out. It feels like just yesterday when we were sitting across from eachother in my kitchen and my mom hollered out "Who wants coffee?!" and I screamed "I do!" and shot my hand up before anyone else could say a word. You imediately snapped your head from your left to the front and looked at me with a cooked smirk on your face and said "You drink coffee?" You seemed so surprised that a 14 year old would sip such a strongly caffinated drink. I remember are 20 minute conversation on that subject every time we saw eachother after that. Those were great conversations. I will always remember when you said to me "Do what you believe and make it happen." I will always follow those words as if they were my life. You were always greatly intrigued with my passion for music. I could tell that you were proud and I hope I will always make you proud throughout my life as I accomplish my dreams one step at a time. So I want you to remember what you told me as I will always remember "Do what you believe and make it happen." You are a true inspiration to not only me, and I think I stand for everyone when I say this, but an inspiration to everyone with your kind words, and the special smirk you had on your face the day you found out I drank coffee. haha.(O.K. the coffee thing I think just stands with me.;)) And even know maybe it was your time to go I certainly wish we could have more of those coffee drinkin' moments. I will miss you always, -Holly

Posted: 2/23/2009 by Holly Chaput of derry, NH, USA

Papa, I cant believe your already gone. Just a few weeks ago I was sitting next to you at the table, laughing and talking about mom and her childhood. I remember it like it was yesturday. Creeping down stairs, being as quiet as possible because you had fallen asleep watching tv and doing a crossword. Even though I lived in another state, I was always very excited to come by and visit you and Nene. The memories ive had over the years will never fade and youll always have a specual place in my heart. I know your up in heaven looking down on us, and though I want to go up and join you, I know that before I do I should make you more proud. Youve taught me so much about how to have a good life and not to worry about material things. My main focus on life now is to be successful and have an incredible family like you. I can honnestly say your one of my biggest heroes. I love you with all my heart papa, and ill see you in my dreams<3

Posted: 2/23/2009 by Felicia Flood of Warwick, Rhode Island, United States

Our sincere condolences on the passing of John. We just received the news tonight that he has passed away. We feel your pain and sorrow at this very sad time. We are presently in Florida for the winter but wanted to let you know that we are thinking of the whole family at this very difficult time. Our love to you all. Hapet and Carol Surabian

Posted: 2/23/2009 by Hapet & Carol Surabian of Marco Island, Florida, usa

John, I can't beleive I am writing to you here. I want you to know that we will terribly miss seeing you and talking to you at work. I used to tell you many times that somehow you remind me of my uncle (back home) and you were smiling at me... Now I feel like losing my uncle and a nice friend... God bless you and your wonderful family... You all are in our thoughts and heart...

Posted: 2/24/2009 by Alice Pourali of Northboro, MA, USA

I met John when I starting working at Commercial Union in Foxboro. I never worked in the same department with John but over the years that I worked there each time I saw him we would always say "hello, how are you doing?". He always had a smile on his face. In life you meet people who make an impression on you and John was one of those people. What a wonderful person he was; always so positive no matter what was going on around us at the company. What a "gentlemen". My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this difficult time. He will definitely be missed!

Posted: 2/24/2009 by Barbara Sylvia of New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA

I did not know John, but work with his sister in law, Mel. I read his obituary and remarks here by family and friends and can tell he was a remarkable man. Although I did not go to Burncoat, I graduated the same year from Doherty and then UMass. To know he was so young and vital makes this loss as painful as it gets. From everything I read about him, it is evident that he loved, and was well loved in return. As much as you will all miss him, I hope that thought brings you comfort. Kathy Pulda

Posted: 2/24/2009 by Kathy Pulda of Worcester, MA, USA

Death is an unusual thing. Inevitable as it is, it still remains unexplainable. It happens all around us, every day, whether we realize it or not. And there is nothing like it anywhere. “It’s okay; they’re in a better place now.” That is the most common response upon hearing news of someone passing. But if it’s such a wonderful place, why come here first? Why not just go directly there, to that wonderful place? Perhaps the whole purpose of us living on Earth is to learn the lessons we need in order to appreciate it; and most of the time, it takes a lifetime. But what about those of us who die young? Do they enter this place unprepared? Maybe they learned all that was needed early and they are ready, or maybe God just feels that they are ready; that everything that was needed in order to appreciate everything in this better place everyone speaks of has been learned and applied in the right way. Some may consider it a blessing that select few are picked at such a young age to go to Heaven. And some may say it could just be another lesson for the ones closest to him or her. Or it could all just be wishful thinking. Who knows? There are so many theories out there; we can’t possibly learn the answer on our own down here on Earth. None of us will truly understand until we experience it ourselves: the reason for no explanations. PaPa, all I know is you’re leaving us here was an unexpected blow to the heart. In a way, you aren’t completely gone. You’ve left a piece of you in all of us, and you took a piece of each one of us with you where ever you are. Eventually, in a long time, it will balance out. It will be a painful process, but it will happen eventually. Maybe, after all of the restless, tearful nights, and this awful feeling goes away, when the initial shock wears off, and we come to terms with the fact that we won't be seeing you here anymore, everything will balance out in our hearts. Until then, there will be pain and sorrow and tears, remembering your sudden departure, and there will be joy and happiness and laughter, as we remember the happy memories we’ve shared. In this last week, I’ve heard more stories of you than I have in my entire life. As horrible as this situation was, it was great to learn that much about you that I never knew. I was still getting to know you, and I wasn’t ready for you to leave. But I know in my heart God has a special plan for you in Heaven. And I will take with me what I’ve learned from you everywhere I go. You always told us to follow our hearts, and make sure we all did everything we needed to do to be happy. I know you’re watching over me and all of us here, guiding us to where we need to be, with God at your side. I hope someday to make you proud to be my grandfather, because I am so very proud to be your granddaughter. You have touched many, many hearts in a great way, and everyone will miss you more than you could ever know. So, here’s to you, and the wonderful life you have lived here with us. You will always have a special place in my heart. I’m just sorry we couldn’t have spent more time together, and I’m sorry this is no way to say goodbye for the final time. Although, it’s never really goodbye: not forever, anyway. Save a place for me in Heaven, because when it’s my time, I’ll be there walking by your side along the everlasting river of Eterntiy. Love and miss you always, Anna Mae

Posted: 2/25/2009 by Anna Mae Chaput of Derry, NH, USA

When I joined Commercial Union in 1993, John was one of the first to welcome me even though we did not work in the same area. About five years ago, both John and I were hired by Keane, Inc. as consultants to OneBeacon (formerly Commercial Union). During the past few years, it has been a great privilege to work with John. He will be remembered with great respect by me and by his Keanne colleagues here in the United States and in the Keane office in India. He is greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with John's family.

Posted: 2/25/2009 by Ann Lindsey of Mattapoisett, MA, USA

Dear Anita and family, Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all during this very sad time. As a friend and co-worker of Anita's, I have heard many stories about her husband and her lovely family, and I am truly sorry for the loss you are all experiencing. I am certain that you all have individual wonderful memories that will hopefully help you to get through the days to come. My condolences to you all. I am so sorry for your loss. Vera Wrenn

Posted: 2/26/2009 by Vera Wrenn of Worcester, MA, USA

I worked with John for the last 3 years. He’s one of those co-workers who make your work life easy because he just takes care of things in a flawless, efficient way. Ray and Suresh coined the nickname Master Blaster in recognition of the personal stamp he put on the Master Driver application and his quiet expertise. It used to embarrass him when the team needled him with that monicker. We’re still reeling from his loss – this private, but extremely pleasant, intelligent and calm man who never drove a mile over the speed limit, the creature of habit who ate healthy fruits, oatmeal and rice cakes, comes to work the same time and leaves at the same time everyday, and who never called in sick the 3 years that I’ve known him. He was a hard act to follow and can never be replaced. Our hearts are with the loved ones he left behind. May you find peace and comfort in the remarkable legacy of this wonderful man. Gone but not forgotten, and will always be terribly missed. Godspeed, Master Blaster. May your spirit soar…

Posted: 2/27/2009 by Naty Sayler of Hopkinton, MA,



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