1/14/2009 Jo-Ann & Galo Emerson
Danvers, MA,
Rita, Kyle and Kaitlyn, This has not been an easy time and our hearts goes out to you all. It is never easy to loose somone. Know you are in our prayers. We love you very much. Jo-Ann & Galo

1/14/2009 Regina & Gene Papa
Manhasset, NY, USA
Dear Rita and Family, We are so so sorry to hear of the sudden death of your brother, Richard. We hope the good memories you have of him will help and give you comfort during this tough time you all have ahead of you. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Love, Regina & Gene Papa

1/15/2009 Debbie & Bob Dwyer
Pittsfield, MA, USA
Rita and family, Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this trying time. Debbie & Bob

1/18/2009 Martha Hardiman
Whitefield, NH, US
My Dear Friend Richard, I can't believe you are gone. When we last spoke we were discussing holiday plans. What happened to you? I never heard about your passing until today. Otherwise I would have been there to say goodbye. I know you knew how much I loved and admired you, but do you know how much I will miss you? the joy of hearing your voice on my ans. machine, or a brief email to touch base or give a quick hello. You were truly one of my dearest friends and will be missed terribly. From the time we were youngsters and sneaking out of the house to do something we knew we shouldn't do, or sneaking back into the house, we always did it together. I know your Mom knew but never told your Dad! No matter what direction our lives took we never lost the magic of our friendship. When I visited you last summer, it was a wonderful chance to talk. I came away feeling closer than ever. Now I feel like there is a very large hole where my heart used to be. To your family, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. If you need anything please feel free to call on me. I would have done anything for Richard and would still honor his wishes or give any help I can. If someone needs to take Gypsy I would be happy to do so. Love and peace to all. I am a better person for having known Richard for more than 40 years and will miss him every day. Please let me know what happened. Martha M. Hardiman



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