Rest in Peace Uncle Mark,I know you're in a better place and with Meme now once again. I will never forget the times out "ramming" with you, or the crazy fast car rides! My thoughts are with you all Auntie Cathie, Amy, Anne and Luke. May your heart mend and your memories stay strong. Love, Felicia, Steve, Vanessa and Stephen

Posted: 12/2/2008 by Felicia & Steve Flibotte of Derry, NH, 03038

Mark - You were such an energetic man with a courageous spirit, amazing faith and a sparkle in your eye that could light up a room - Right to the very end! I always admired for your passion for Jesus - You were truly a wonderful person, whom Jesus called home....Your work here on Earth was done, my friend!

Posted: 12/2/2008 by A Special Family Friend of , NH,

Your Dad was a a Man that truly loved to worship God. He was an inspiration to many. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sis Bernice Thompson NEP Ministries 955 Bridge St Pelham, NH

Posted: 12/2/2008 by Bernice Thompson of , ,

George & family, Mark was one of God's special people-a pleasure to be around, fun, and an outspoken Christian. It was our privilege to know him. Love, Mel & Judy

Posted: 12/2/2008 by Mel & Judy of Chester, NH, USA

Mark our friend and brother in Christ. We miss your sweet spirit and your beautiful smile. You always raidiated Jesus Christ. As it says in the word, absent from the body but present with the Lord. One day we shall all meet agin. What rejoicing in His presence, all grief and pain is gone. The place near to the heart of GOD. Our condolences to your wife and children,father and sister. Your friends in Christ, Fred & Barbara Gagnon

Posted: 12/2/2008 by Fred & Barbara Gagnon of Pelham, N.H., U.S.A.

Dear Pepe' and family, We are so saddened about Mark. He had a larger than life personality that you couldn't help but get caught up in. I am glad to have known him. All of our thoughts are with you right now. With our sincerest sympathies.

Posted: 12/2/2008 by Melissa Rossetti & Chester Public Library Family of Chester, NH,

Recently over the past few months I have had the opportunity to get to know Mark and his family. When I think of the Chaperon family I see Love for a great man from his wife and kids, as well as Love in return for his wife and kids from that same great man. He is a wonderful person who will be missed dearly, you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Armandi

Posted: 12/2/2008 by Armandi DuBois of Manchester, NH,

Mark and Cathy and family-Mark is the kindest,most caring person who left a lasting impression on many, many people, including myself. His love for God and the testimony he gave here on earth are remarkable. There are so many souls that are in Heaven or who know they will be in Heaven one day because of Mark. I know he is walking the Streets of Gold and is no longer in pain. We all miss you very much Mark. Thank you for all you gave us and your beautiful family. Love, Deb

Posted: 12/2/2008 by deborah of Peterborough, NH,

I was sad to hear of Mark's passing. He was my friend, my mentor, and an amazing employer who taught me much, and I will miss him.

Posted: 12/2/2008 by William & Jodi Damery of Manchester, NH,

Its been just a day now, since God called you away. Oh how the Angels rejoiced, as you walked Through those Pearly Gates yesterday! When I heard the news that your ill, I found it hard to believe it could be true. Your family and friends were sadened, at the thoughts of saying goodbye to you. Mark, you were an Angel here on earth, Everyone learned so very much from you. The memory of your smile. and your gentle, eyes so blue. You left a wonderful family, who will never forget their Dad. I will pray for them, in the days ahead It's hard to see them sad. Your wife didn't want to let you go, although it was your time. Please look down upon her and show her a sign. A sign that, you are with her each and every passing day. Please give her inner strenght, and remind her to just pray. Pray that she can continue, to move on with her life. And to know that she IS a good mother and IS a wonderful wife!

Posted: 12/2/2008 by To the Chaperone Family of , ,

To my brother, "MARK" I love you, I will miss you dearly. "What a man", A friened, My brother. Your work here is done, You have touched my life and many others. Rest in peace my freind, May God comfort, Kathy, Amy, Anne, and Luke, The family, And all that loved you so much. you are truley a one of a kind. I will never forget you Or any of our special times we spent. Psalm 40;(9)(10) I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: Lo, I have not refrained my lips, O Lord, Thou Knowest. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfullness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation. Till we meet again, Love, Wayne, "Slate"

Posted: 12/2/2008 by Wayne Theodore of Auburn , NH, Rockingham

Dear Uncle George and Kim, I'm so sorry to hear of what Mark endured and to hear of his early passing. Because of his belief, he will be in a much better place. I remember him as a young, blonde fellow when I was connected to the Russell Fair family. It sounds like he grew up to be a fine family man and beloved person. Please accept my sympathy.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Alexa Fair of Ellicott City, Maryland, USA

A man with the Holy Spirit that filled his soul!

Posted: 12/3/2008 by A friend of , ,

"And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed [are] the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them." Revelation 14:13 Uncle Mark was an amazing person who we could always count on for spreading his cheer and the word of God. Being around Uncle Mark gave me faith,and he made me believe...with that said I know that he is in heaven, resting in peace. As for my family, my deepest sympathies to all of you. Keep your chin up, hes in a better place.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Ashley Theodore of Manchester, NH, USA

" And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed [are] the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them." Revelation 14:13 My Uncle Mark was an amazing person. He was someone I could always count on to bring cheer into a room and share the word of God. He has impacted my life greatly, I remember all the times Uncle Mark had talked to me and all of my sisters when we were young and preached the word of God and spread his faith. He is the reason I have faith and I thank him for showing me that. I will never forget him and I know that many others could never forget him...with what Uncle Mark had taught me, I know that he is in heaven...resting in peace. My love and deepest sympathy goes out to my family, Auntie Cathy, Amy, Anne, and Luke, we know he is in a better place.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Ashley Theodore of Manchester, NH, USA

Dear George & Family: My sincere condolences for your tragic loss. Your strong strength of character and your memories of Mark will sustain you during this tragic time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Peace be with you. Love always, Carole--(Shirley's sister)

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Carole Scott of Fort Myers, Florida, USA

To the Chaperon Family, My Aunt, My Cousins, My friends. I will never forget all the times Uncle Mark preached the word of God to me and always tried to get through to me in my troubled times. You were truly an angel here on earth spreading the word of God. You have been in my prayers ever since I learned you were sick and I know you are looking down now, on all of us in Heaven. On behalf of my family and me, you will be missed terribly and your family will always be in our prayers. --- During your journey on your final flight home. White wings will carry you and you will be flown. to the pearly gates of Heaven, where they will usher you in. to the feet of your Lord, your Saviour, and your friend. He will hold you in his arms and the angels will sing. As another one of His children is delivered by white wings. ---

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Stephanie Falcao (Theodore) of Derry, NH, USA

dear chaperon family cathey luke amy and anne our hearts and strength go out to you in your time of need we love you all so dearly if you need anything we are here for you god bless

Posted: 12/3/2008 by linda and rob puleo of chester, nh,

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 – “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” Uncle Mark was a great man, husband, father, and friend. He loved and was loved by so many people and family. I love him and he will be missed dearly. Its very sad for this loss but I know he is in a better place now, with God.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Tricia Cook of Candia, NH,

Psalm 121:1, "I look up to the mountains, does my help come from there? My help comes from the LORD, who made the heavens and the earth! He will not let you stumble and fall; the one who watches over you will not sleep. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never tires and never sleeps. The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not hurt you by day, nor the moon at night. The LORD keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. Mark was a great friend, we will miss the fire and passion that resonated through his speech everyday. There never was a nicer man and we're blessed to have been able to share time with him on this earth. Jesse sends his love, he won't be able to make it because he's 4 hours away in Maine. If there is anything you need then we're all here for you. Love and honor, The Gerry Family

Posted: 12/3/2008 by The Gerry Family of Chester, NH, USA

Matthew 5:4 - Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. To the Chaperones, I am so sorry for your loss, Mark meant so much to all of us, he was our rock, our friend, our spirtual counsler, and the love of our hearts. Mark had a way of always making every person feel like they were special. He had a gift to evangalize Gods word, as if Jesus was speaking through him. I know that Mark is in the highest place with Jesus, in the land of milk and honey. Mark touched so many lives and was so loved. He had so much talent and had so many gifts, he gave 110% to everything he did including loving his Lord. I was so proud that he was married to my sister, Mark was the best husband, Father, Brother, Son, and friend anyone could ever ask for. Mark will never be gone from us, he will always be in our hearts and in our memories. I pray that Mark will give his family a sign from heaven to let them know that he is always with them. We will truly miss our beloved brother. We Love you so much The Taylors. 1 Corinthians 15:52-57 In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory." "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Flo Taylor of Candia, NH, USA

i would like to extend my families sympathies to the marks family. it has been quite some time since our dealings with mark and george when we owned cole printing in nashua. i will always remember marks dedication to God and family.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Dave Dionne of Nashua, NH,

So sorry for your loss. he sure was a great guy.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Helen Mullaney of Derry, NH,

Mark, I love you and I will never forget you. I am so grateful for the times we spent together. I am thankful that you were always there for me when I needed a friend. I loved hanging out with you, talking about fishing, hanging out in the garage, taking rides together to get coffee and fellowship. I know that you also loved me, and your love was unconditional. See you again in Heaven, Golden Haired Angel. Love, Glenn.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Glenn Theodore of Newton, NH,

To all of the Chaperon Family--We were deeply saddened to hear of your loss. Mark was a great guy--he was "McGuiver" to us. No matter what challenge we faced him with, he'd say "ok, pal, let me take a look at it, we'll figure out a way". He was truly a special individual. I'm sure he is up there now, cleaning things up and making them run more smoothly... Love, Lisa & All of us at Print Savvy, Inc.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Lisa Landry of Auburn, NH, USA

Our family will miss our incredible man of God, who was larger than life in so many ways. We will miss his beautiful smile, sweet spirit and humility, and his fire for God. We are comforted by the certainty that our brother is with the Lord. Matthew 25:21~ His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ We love you brother.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Jacqueline Theodore of Newton, NH,

It was a privilage to have known Mark. He has given me so much good advice and helped me to strengthen my faith in God. He had always been there for me when I was in a time of need. I have been blessed from God to have him as my brother. My thoughts and prayers are with my sister Kathy and her children. I know I will see Mark again in heaven. I loved Mark very much. I know he will be missed by many. Love, Bob

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Robert Theodore of , ,

Mark has truly blessed so many people in his life. most of all my daughter Cathy and the entire Theodore family. He was so very special and we all love him. He lives on inside our hearts. So precious are the memories he has given to us all. Thank you Mark for your love of God and your love for us.

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Flo Young of londonderry,, N H, U. S. A

All of us at Merrimak are sorry to hear of marks passing. We will be thinking of all of you. I'll never forget Mark. He had a funny way about him that alwyas made me laugh! I'll take a blast on my harly tommorow in memory of Mark. Dan Cummings

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Dan of framingham , ma, usa

Rest in peace uncle mark. You were someone special that will never be forgotten..I never saw you without a smile on your face. I thank you for everything that you have made me believe and for the amazing person you were. You will always be in my thoughts. Love Always, Lindsey

Posted: 12/3/2008 by Lindsey Theodore of Auburn, NH, USA

For the short time I have known the Chaperone family, I have to say that I have never been touched more by any family in my life. I am a lucky guy who was able to meet someone so special in Mark. I just wish I could have had more time with him. All my thoughts and prayers are with the Chaperone family. Keep smiling because that is what Mark would want from everyone!

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Michael Zachodny of concord, nh,

Revelation 7:15-17 And he said, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, "they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." I will always love you and remember you and what have done for me. Rest with your heavenly Father.

Posted: 12/4/2008 by A Loving Family Member of Candia, NH, USA

To the family of Mark i send my deepest sympathy to you all on your loss.Mark was not only my boss but one of my few friends that was always there at a moments notice.I know he will be deeply missed and always loved by those hearts he has touched along his journey in his life.His willingness to help those less fourtunate than he will always be what i will remember most about him.He will never be forgotten by his family,friends,co-workers for the gift of caring for others. God bless mark and may god carry his family and friends through this difficult time.

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Pierre Fleuriel of manchester, new hampshire, united states

1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Dear Cathy,Amy, Anne, Luke, and Chaperone family, I am so sorry for your loss, "Our loss". Mark was a great man that we love so much. We will all miss him deeply. Mark is in heaven now with his Lord!! But he is with us also, in our hearts and in our loving memories. Mark was such a loving husband,and devoted father, I was so proud of the kinda husband he was to my sister. God truly blessed Cathy,with Mark. He was also great son and brother he loved his family it meant everything to him. Mark was the greatest friend anyone could have. He always had a big smile and a little advice for you when you needed it. Mark made every person he came in contact with seem like they were special, it was just the type of man he was. He also had a great love for his Lord! and he was such and evangelist, when Mark preached Gods word it was like Jesus was speaking through him, He was truly gifted and very special I thank Jesus for the time he gave Mark to us. Mark I know your safe in the promise land sitting at the right hand of Jesus, and we will see you again soon my blessed brother I love you. Flo

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Flo Taylor of Candia, NH, USA

My deepest sympathy to the Chaperon family. I vividly remember the day I met Mark at your old facility in Hudson. Mark without question just had that something special about his personality that made him who he was. I certainly enjoyed the conversations with him and his strong faith in God which he shared with people so willingly. He was a very special person and I will miss him. My prayers and thoughts are with you family. Tom Mulligan

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Tom Mulligan of Goffstown, NH,

To my beloved brother-in-law Mark. You truly were an awesome man of God with a supernatural love and faith and you endured to the end and glorified God. You were a great witness tool for the Lord. You were a very humble brother and I know you are with the Lord with joy unspeakable and full of glory. 1 Peter 1:8. We love you and we miss you, but we will see you soon.

Posted: 12/4/2008 by scott & sheila Theodore of , ,

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He recues those whose spirits are crushed." Psalm 34:18 He (God) comforts us whenever we suffer. That is why whenever other people suffer, we are able to comfort them by using the same comfort we have received from God. 2 Corinthians 1:24

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Loving Family Member of , ,

Uncle Mark, I love you so much, I will miss you terribly you were so nice to me, you always cared about what was going on in my life, you wanted to make sure I was walking in the Lord. I love the lord because of your influence. To see what Jesus did in your life made me want what you had. Uncle Mark I don't think I will ever know anyone like you again, but I am glad for the time we had on earth; and I look forward to our time together in Heaven!! I am so sorry Aunti Cathy, Amy, Anne and Luke for the loss of your special Angel. You are in my heart and prayers I Love you all. Love, Heather

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Heather Cook of Candia, NH,

Mark was the most wonderful person in the world. Mark brought a blessing to us when he married my sister, and became part of our family. We never considered him our brother-in-law; but our brother. He will always be my brother. I will always love him, and miss him. To Cathy, Amy, Ann, and Luke. I love you. I know that Mark is so proud of you. The lord is with you all and I promise that you will all be together again.

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Michelle Desjardins of Candia , NH, USA

My sincere condolences to the Chaperon family, I had the pleasure to work with Mark, many years ago, and always enjoyed his spirit, energy, love for God and family. He will truly be missed among his friends in the printing industry, I'm sure I speak for many local printing companies, Mark has touched us all!

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Frank Shaffer of Merrimack, NH,

uncle mark! i will miss you greatly, you were probaly the nices person that i ever have known. you have been a great uncle, father, husband and just all around a great sorry to everyone in your family, auntie cathy, amy, ann, and luke for your big lost. I know how much you must miss him because he was just such a good person to everyone around him. im sorry uncle mark and i will never forget you, and i will always love you forever and i cant wait to see you in heaven, LOVE: MATT TAYLOR

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Matthew Taylor of Candia, NH,

To my sister Cathy,Amy,Anne and Luke. My heart goes out to you,I love you all so much,and I am so sorry for your loss. Mark was so very special,and he will be missed so much by all of us. Love Georgia

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Georgia of San Antonio, Tx.,

To Mark's family God saw fit to take him at this time and we are left to carry on.I will miss his smile and that bouncing stride as I know you will too, but I'll always remember him and I will keep you and yours in my prayers. Members NEP Ministries

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Othniel & Annella Archer of Nashua , NH,

Uncle George, Cathy and Family - When I think of Mark, I think of a man who truly loved the Lord! His enthusiasm was contageous! As a child, I can remember many Sunday morning church services and Wed night prayer meetings with him, and our family...I was so touched to see a picture of those special times, on his picture board at the wake...The sparkle in his eyes will leave a lasting impression on me forever!

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Kary Gagnon-Bijeol of Manchester, NH,

I am so incredibly sorry for the loss of this amazing man. Every time I saw my uncle Mark you could feel the light of Jesus shining through him. He was a man that could make you smile no matter what the circumstances.I don't believe I ever saw him unhappy. He enjoyed life to its fullest and gave all the love he had to his family and friends. Mark was an amazing husband, father, friend, and man of God. I learned so much from him and I know he will be greatly missed. My prayers and love go out to my Aunt Cathy and cousins Amy, Anne, and Luke. Just know that Mark is now walking with Jesus and we will all see him soon.

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Amanda Cook of Raymond, NH,

Every time I saw Mark he was so full of life. Just being around him made your day better. The Lord filled him with joy and love. He will be missed more than he could have ever known. Mark was such an important influence in so many people's lives. We love you Mark! We know you are at the Lord's side now. To Cathy, Anne, Amy, and Luke, you are all in our prayers. Know that Mark is still with you every day.

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Mike & Amanda of Raymond, NH,

Love reveals The hurt within When loss has come And life seems dim God understands And feels it too His arms are there For holding you God will never Ignore your pain But longs for you To hope again.

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Mike and Amanda of Raymond, NH,

Mark has been such an inspiration to so many people and I am priviledged to have been his friend for so many years. He was like a brother to me and I love him very much. He was such a special person and his life demonstrated the love of Christ in an amazing way. I am blessed to have been his friend and I know that someday I will be with him again for eternity. My prayers go out to Cathy, Amy, Ann, Luke, George and Kim. God bless you all!

Posted: 12/4/2008 by Sean Thedore of Derry, NH, Rockingham

Uncle Mark was a true inspiration to everyone, I can't think of a more kind, loving, better man. His very being in this world reflected the true image of God. May we always hold dear everything he has spoken to us, and treasure it with all our mite. The legacy he leaves this world is us, we are his living breathing legacy. The things he has done for this whole family and the ways he has touched the lives of even people he did not know. When I think of Uncle Mark, he make me want to be a better person... more like him. What a wonderful blessing he has been to all of you and everyone. I am truly sorry for your lose, but rest assure he is looking down on you right now and he is thinking of how beautiful and wonderful his family is. You are his ultimate legacy and anyone can see that he was so proud of what you have all become. My deepest sympathies to all of you.

Posted: 12/5/2008 by Jennifer Hildreth (Theodore) of Penacook, NH,

I met Mark at a bible study. I knew way back then when he was a young believer that God was going to use him in a mighty,mighty way. God took an ordinary man and made him a very special soul winner. No one ever left Mark without hearing the gospel message. Life's truest heroes never carve their name on marble columns. They build instesd a legacy that springs from faithful service to the King of Kings. A life lived for God leaves a lasting legacy. Mark truly did that. True friendleness can be a magnet that draws people to Christ. Mark made himself a friend to all. Mark quoted this verse often, " I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners,to repentance Luke 5:32. Mark preached Christ his work was done and Jesus called him home. We shall meet agin one day my brother. My prayers are with his wife and children his dad and sister may God keep you all in his care.

Posted: 12/5/2008 by A sister in Christ of Pelham, N.H., U.S.A.

It all started when I met Mark's parents in 1978, shortly after I met Mark. I gave Mark the gospel. This is the writtings of the Apostle Paul 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 For I delivered unto you first of all, that which I also received. That Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and He was burried and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. 1John 5:13 These things I have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that YE MAY KNOW that ye have eternal life and ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you are saved through FAITH and not of yourselves, It is the GIFT of God. NOT of works, lest anyone would boast. I know Mark's prayer would be for ALL to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Mark would have treasured this opportunity to share Gods plan of salvation with you. God Bless you, Fred

Posted: 12/6/2008 by Fred Gagnon of Pelham, N.H.,

My Dear loved ones, These words I wish to say, I went home to be with Jesus, And here is where I'll stay. My pain and struggle is over; I'll rest in peace today. Although I know you'll grieve for me, Be strong, for it's okay. I’m now at home in Heaven, Where there's everlasting light. I'm in the arms of Jesus, Holding on to me so tight. Please try to carry on your life, For there's still work to be done. Someday you'll be rewarded And meet God's only son. He came Himself to meet me, Oh what a glorious sight! When He put His arms around me, And I saw a beaming light. When your life on earth is over, Then He will call you home. It's then you will truly see, The joy that's yet to come.

Posted: 12/7/2008 by A Christian Family Friend of , ,

Mark, I had never met you, but Glenn and Jacqueline are my sister and brother in the LORD. Through them, I know of your tremendous love for our Lord, and of the many lives you touched for His glory. We as a church had been praying for your healing, and for your family. When I heard of your passing, I immediately pictured you in my mind,standing tall, strong,and totally healed,standing in front of Jesus and laughing with joy.I feel in my spirit that is where you are. I pray the love and peace Of Jesus for your family.

Posted: 12/7/2008 by rosalie of methuen, Ma.,

Mark We are sorry we never had the chance to meet you, but feel we knew you through Anne. Our thoughts are with your family.

Posted: 12/9/2008 by Cathy and Gary of Dracut, Mass,

The entire Perry family; Lucas,Lauren,Jennifer & Barbara,want to extend their condolences to the Chaperon family. We just heard the news and to be shocked is an understatement. Over the years, we got to know Mark very well and found him to be a kind and generous man. I had many conversations with him about family and our love of cars. He always had a smile on his face and greeted us warmly.He was a good man and will be missed by all of us. To his Son Luke; the one constant in my conversations with your dad, was his love of his family and you had a special place in his heart. We just want to say how sorry we are and wish you and your family only the best.

Posted: 12/9/2008 by Joe Perry of Chester, NH, US

Someone VERY special in so many ways has been lifted up to the Heavens. Your commitment to your family, friends, strangers, and the Lord was remarkable. We were all blessed to have known you. Your pain is gone, and you are with the Lord, I guess we can all take comfort in that. I don't believe there is a speed limit in Heaven, so you are now free to drive as fast as your wings will take you. I will never forget your hearty laugh and beaming smile. May you rest in peace.... until we meet again. Donna

Posted: 12/17/2008 by Donna of Orono, MN, USA

I find myself thinking about you almost daily - You were such a special person. I know you are home with your heavenly father - Your daily prayers and profession of faith is what has prompted me to re-visit my faith. Even after your passing, you are still working in the lives of others! What an AMAZING christian man!!

Posted: 1/3/2009 by A special Friend of , NH,

Dad, Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. You are such an amazing person. I am so blessed to have you as a father. Love you. Miss you

Posted: 8/30/2009 by Anne of , NH,

I knew you well when I worked at Print @ Omni. It was a great pleasure to have worked with you and to just know you. I had always hoped, I would bump into to you again after I left Omni. You will be greatly missed.

Posted: 9/22/2009 by Al Traynor of Chester, NH, USA

dear mark. i still think of you and talk to you every day. you are in all my prayers to the lord. i am still so hurt inside by your passing. you were more than a friend and brother to me. it is so hard each day to go on with you gone. i love my sister very much and i hope she will be ok. i have so many good memories that keep me going on. love bob

Posted: 10/12/2009 by robert theodore of san antonio, texas, united states

Mark, I still think about you often. Your unselfish actions and unwavering outlook on life has inspired me. You were so strong and respectable, in so many ways. I looked up to you as a man. I am grateful for the opportunity to have known you and to have spent time with you and your family. I truly believe that you are an angel, and as such, have done so much good and have brought so much light into this world. I hope you are still looking down, guiding us and keeping us on the right path. You and your family are always in my thoughts and memory....but I'm pretty sure that you know that. Your Friend, Bryan

Posted: 10/14/2009 by Bryan of , MA,

I love you dad. Not a day goes by that I do not think about how lucky I am to have a father like you. I love you with all of my heart and you will never be forgotten.

Posted: 8/30/2017 by Amy of , ,

Mark Oh from the very day you left us all a piece of my heart will always be missing. I will always remember when you would come up behind me while I was work with a hug and tell me I was the brother you never had. I miss the long lunches going to look at muscle cars. The many drives down a side street to find some to preach to about the Lord,. How you wold know they would be there was a mystery to me. A true fisher of men. I guess the Lord felt you meet your quota. AMEN............. Praise be to GOD MIss my Brother Peace Eddie D

Posted: 3/27/2020 by Ed Dorazio of Lowell, MA, USA



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