Kathy, I am so sorry for the loss of your father. You have ben so brave throughout this long time and I only wish you peace and comfort in this time of sorrow. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you, even if it is a shoulder to cry on. Cindy

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Cindy DeRego of Derry, NH, United States

Kathy and I were regulars at “Marquis Mexican Restaurant” located in the Crossroads mall in the 1990’s. Bob was known for always being happy with a smile on his face and a warm welcome to regular customers and new guests. He always made a point of “How crazy is it that a Frenchman open a Mexican joint!” The hospitality of “the joint” was only surpassed by the quality and value of his cooking. His green chili verde was a favorite of many in Londonderry. Londonderry has missed you Bob, we now miss you even more.

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Steve Young & Kathy Wagner of Londonderry, NH,

Kathy, I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I hope happy memories of your dad will help get you through this very difficult time. Patti Kelliher

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Patti of Manchester, NH,

Roland and Pauline, We are very sorry for your loss. Sorry we haven't been around lately, we live well over an hour from anyone now. We just want to send our deepest sympathies off to you and your family. Mark & Cecile

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Mark & Cecile Brown of Deering, NH,

1000 hugs can not express what we have all lost. My Dad was always an amazing man, hard working, political, vocal and giving 100% in sickness and in health. That was my Dad. Although I feel very frustrated that I have missed the last 19 years of his life, there ware many times when I would call him and just chat. The love he had for his wife Janet, his dog and his home always assuring me "he was just fine". Dad I will always remember Sobbe candies, King Kong and Star Trek on Sundays.. I love you...

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Susan Marquis of San Diego, CA, USA

Dearest Susan - We were saddened to learn of the passing of your father. Know that we love you and are thinking of you during this difficult time. You are one of our dearest friends. - Frank & Lisa Power

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Frank & Lisa Power of Imperial Beach, CA, USA

We would to offer our deepest condolenses to the Marquis Family. To his Wife, Brother and Sisters Please accept our prayers and sympathy for all.

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Paul & Anita of Leesburg, FL, USA

Susan, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dad. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I pray God will put His loving arms around you and help you walk through this period of your life. I am here for you. love and prayers

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Helen Donner of San Diego, California,

Dear Susan, I am so sorry to hear that your father passed away so suddently. I'm here for you and I have you and your family in my prayers. You have always been there for me and you are a great friend. Call me any time you need to talk about your father or anything that is going on in you life. -Kathy Hernandez

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Katy Hernandez of Escondido, CA, USA

Sorry to hear about Uncle Bob, I didnt know he was sick. I hope and pray everyone is ok. Tracy

Posted: 11/6/2008 by Tracy of San Diego, CA, United States

Susan, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go through this hard time. I am here if you need to talk. Pamela

Posted: 11/7/2008 by Pamela of San Diego, Ca, USA

Janet/family Our deepest sympathy in the passing of Bob, he will be missed. We sure enjoyed visiting with him when he came to Ashland with his pontoon boat and his watch dog of many years ago. We had a lot of laughs. Mary/Ray

Posted: 11/7/2008 by Mary Mackey/Raymond of Lynn, MA, USA

To all the Marquis family - please accept our heartfelt condolences to all of you. Bob's boisterous laughter will be missed. God bless you all and help you through this difficult time.

Posted: 11/7/2008 by Rick and Diane Holt of Hudson, NH,

Uncle Roland,Pauline and Rosie I'm sorry to hear of Bobbys passing, I will keep you & the family in my thoughts through this difficult time. - Hugs, Sherry and family.

Posted: 11/7/2008 by Sherry Hastings of Milford, NH, USA

Kathy, Gary, and the entire Marquis Family: I are very sorry for your loss. I will always remember Bob's funny jokes and the great times we had together when I first met you all back in 1983. My prayers will be with all of you during this time of sorrow. Love, Marcelo Castro.

Posted: 11/7/2008 by Marcelo Castro of Derry, NH,

Roland & Sandy so sorry to hear about your brother robert he is in our thoughts and prayers.he will be missed and loved by the marquis family ,he is in a better place looking down at you both .

Posted: 11/7/2008 by DIANNE E JANERICO of tyngsboro, ma,

Kathy and Sue I'm so sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you today as I know your dad is watching over you both and always will. Love to both of you Diane

Posted: 11/7/2008 by Diane Wight of , IND,

My Dearest Susan, I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers yours and your family's way in this sad time. Please know that I am here for you and just a phone call away. Love, your friend, Mina

Posted: 11/7/2008 by Mina Archambeau of National City, CA, USA

Our sincere condolences to the whole family. We know out here on the west coast he will be missed by his daughter Susan. It was obvious that she loves her father very much. She talked for months about wanting to go see her father but was unable to do so. I witnessed the anguish she felt when she had come to terms with knowing that she probably wouldn't see him alive again. Our deepest sympathy to her and everyone.

Posted: 11/7/2008 by The Phillips Family of San Diego , Califonria, USA

Janet, Bob will be greatly missed. We all learned the admirable lesson of standing up for what you believe in from him. We are so glad to have been able to see you and Bob when we were up in October. May the Lord give you and your family His comfort and peace during this difficult time of such a great loss.

Posted: 11/8/2008 by Sandy & Barry Lofstedt of Largo, FL,

We have not only lost an Uncle, we have lost a dear friend. Bob was boisterous and loud and his mere prescence took up the entire space in a room even if it was full. But underneath that rough, gruff exterior was the heart of a teddybear. Bob didn't love or even like a lot of people, but if you were one of the chosen he laid it on the line for you with no questions asked. We spent a lot of time together and had a lot of fun and we will miss him dearly. I still have my pin and fifty cents, and we'll see ya at Walmart! Love you Uncle Hairy Bob!!

Posted: 11/8/2008 by Brenda and Skip of Raymond, NH, USA


Posted: 11/8/2008 by ANN ANDERSON of NASHUA, NH,

It has been 6 long months since dad died. It is not easier but knowing that he is truly looking down on me with his beautiful blue eyes and he can see my clearly helps. Love you DAD....

Posted: 5/7/2009 by kathy of , ,



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