10/19/2008 Laurel Bretta
Medford, MA, USA
Ginny was a lovely lady and a pioneer and it was a pleasure to know her.

10/29/2008 Val
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Madeline, If you happen to get this, please send an email to say hello. I'm very sorry about your mother. -Val

11/2/2008 Rona Silverman
Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
I am so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. Although we have not seen each other in many years, Madeline I have many fond memories of your mom. I will always remember her as a kind and loving mother who was a wonderful person. I am hoping this can bring us closer. My thoughts and prayers are with you. If you should need anything, remember I am here for you. I left my phone number on your answering machine hoping to hear from you.



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