2/11/2008 Kathy Reilly
Greenville, SC, USA
A good and faithful servant. May Fr. Ed rest in peace as he is reunited with God. Our God who he served so well as an instrument in His hand. In 1994, I was healed of PPH a fatal lung disease. This miracle took place as a Eucharistic Miracle at a Mass celebrated by Fr. Ed. Speak but the word and I shall be healed. Father Ed has been healed and brought home to God, Our Father. May be rest in peace. Until we meet again. Always His servant, Kathy Reilly 60 Hutchins St. Greenville, SC 864-2201594

2/12/2008 Rose
Roxbury, Ma, United States
I want to express my deepest sympathy to Joan, Bill, Cathy, Jim, Kathleen and all the family and friends of Fr. McDonough especially the Redemptorist Fathers. We have lost a gentle quiet giant. I thank God for having been blessed to have worked with Father and for being in his circle of friends. Father McDonough touched and healed so many lives and was a true inspiration for all. His pain and suffering he took with a grain of salt, for he knew he would get his ultimate reward a seat in heaven. God Bless and keep you in the palm of his hand Father. Your legacy will remain etched in my heart forever. Love and prayers, Rose

2/12/2008 Rev. Francis X. Mawn
Lawrence, MA, USA
May God be good to His faithful servant, Father Ed.

2/12/2008 Kathy Smith
Greenville, SC, USA
I will never forget this kind and holy priest. Father McDonough took the time to pray with my family when my husband was so very sick with cancer. My husband felt very much at peace after Father McDonough blessed him and he blessed me and our sons too.I feel I was given strength to cope with the loss of my beloved husband who died in 2003. God bless you Father McDonough. You now rest in God's loving arms.

2/12/2008 FERGUS KEANE

2/12/2008 Bart G. Guerreri
Miami Beach, FL, USA
Father you were one of the best men I have ever met or will ever meet. You were what I describe as a beautiful person. You were my friend and confidant and I will miss you. I will miss our conversations, talking about the Red Sox and all the joy you brought to my life. I will NEVER forget you. All my love, Bart

2/12/2008 carla aronstein
easton, mass, usa
thank you fr mcdonough for your pure faith and examples carla

2/13/2008 George and Diane Durant
Middleboro, MA, USA
A beautifully gifted priest. He will be missed.

2/13/2008 Mary MacKinnon
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
I have fond memories of Fr. MacDonough's healing services. We will be with the family and friends in prayer. God bless all of you.


2/13/2008 colleen& dick phillips
wareham, ma, usa
TO kathleen,brendan and fr denis, please accept our deepest sympathy in the loss of FR. ED.he will be missed by many ! god bless you all !

2/13/2008 Penelope Henes-Riley
Milton, MA, USA
Father McDonough was such a giving man, and I just wanted to say "Thank You" to him for his dedication to sick and hurting people around the world, and for starting the Healing and Restoration Ministry. He was a very special man and will be missed by all who attended his healing services.

2/13/2008 Mari Laiosa
Stoneham, MA, USA
Rejoice family and friends of Father McDonough. He completed his mission here on earth. He loved God and Our Lady with every fiber of his being. He is finally home with them. Alleluia! Father McDonough, Pray for us!

2/13/2008 The Poor Clare Colettines
Hawarden, Near Chester, Wales. UK
Immaculata ! you received this son of yours and have accompanied him into glory !! All thanks and Praise to God for Fathers priestly Ministery, for being a channel of love to so many. We will all join your family and friends this day praying with deep gratitude for Father. All your Poor Clare Sisters over the pond

2/13/2008 Elaine Dallaire
Swansea, Massachusetts, United States
A most HUMBLE servant of God ! :0) How fitting to enter into his eternal reward on the Feast Of Our Lady of Lourdes. GOD IS GOOD!!! Angels, Father. Ave Maria

2/13/2008 Daniel Fallon
, ,
Father, I can never thank you enough for healing me on two occassions. I visited the Mission church 8 years ago and felt the power in your hand healing my eye. Just this past year your healing helped me recover, along with the gifts of the surgeons and other doctors who treated me for cancer. You have saved many peoples lives and given countless others hope, healing and faith. We will miss you very much but know that you are smiling down at the thousands of people you have helped. God Bless you

2/14/2008 Kathy Boudreau
Bedford , Mass, Middlesex84
Father Mc Donough was a great Man and a very holy man through God he did his work and he did it very well he will be prayed for by many for he has touched many he is with God now and Mary I will never for get Medugoje I will pray for him and his Family

2/14/2008 Peter Ford
Ashland, Ma, U S A
I wish to offer my condolenses for Father McDonough. Sincerely, Peter Ford

2/14/2008 Loraine Dunn
Braintree, MA, USA
I never met Fr. McDonough, but I attempted to get him to come visit my best friend who was dying of a brain tumor 4 years ago. We were never able to make it happen, but I've always thought about what if...I note that Fr. McDonough, the "healing" priest died on the 150th anniversary of Lourdes, February 11, 2008, which is also my birthday. I believe this day of dying was a poignant gift and message to both Fr. McDonough and to us.

2/15/2008 jackie ford
santa cruz, ca, USA
I was an altar boy at Mission Church in early 60s and found Fr. McDonough to be a beautiful caring man. May God Bless him every day in Heaven

2/15/2008 Janette Channing
Leland, NC, USA
God thank you for giving Father Mc Donough the gift of healing. No words can express the spiritual gift I received when you cured my son, Joseph, and my grandson, Matthew. You will be missed on earth, but I know you will continue your work in heaven. Thank you God and thank you Father for all the blessings you have given us. You are deeply loved, Janette Channing

2/15/2008 Michael
Arlington, Massachusetts, USA
I am deeply saddened to hear of Father McDonough's passing.

2/15/2008 Mike McEleney
Arlington, MA, USa
My prayers to the family of Fr. McDonough, my condolescences to this time of need. During his priestly ministry, He did an unbelievable amount to improve the spiritual lives of thousands and thousands of people. I had the chance to go to many of the healing services both at the Mission Church and at St. Mary's in Winchester, MA. Fr. McDonough will be surely missed. Mike McEleney

2/15/2008 Pat LARKIN HOBBS
Dearest Family & Healing Ministry Members, Our family has been blessed by the lives of Father Edward and Sister Priscilla. With fondest love and deepest sympathy, Pat Larkin Hobbs & family aka: Sister Kevin Marie S.S.N.D

2/15/2008 Jackie Kersey
Lancaster, Sc.,
Fr. McDonough you made me believe in miracles even for a short time. I will never forget how you took the time with me and my family to speak and bless us after my daughter was diagnosed with cancer. Thank you and god bless you.

2/15/2008 fran
winchester, mass, US
We've all lost a very special person. He was a great man. To say that he will be missed, is an understatement...may he rest in peace. We were fortunate to have him as long as we had him.

2/16/2008 Mary Cormier
Chester, New Hampshire, USA
You were a tireless servant of God Father, thank you so much for serving so many of us. My family was touched by your prayers many times over the years.

2/16/2008 Roy Barnett
Abu Dhabi, , United Arab Emirates
Father Ed, Please say hello to everyone up there in Heaven for us and continue to pray for us who have yet to complete our sojourn. RDB I have known Father Ed most of my 57 years as I grew up in the projects in the shadow of Mission Church. I attended Mission Grammar and Mission High and Father McDonough and was an altar boy at OLPH Church in my youth. Little did I know how much my life would intertwine with Father Ed's. I joined his "vocation club" (thought I wanted to be a priest in those days) but was thrown out of the club for setting a "stink bomb" in the rectory. Still Father with his rich Irish humor never gave up on me and we met literally every time I was in Boston. Over the twenty years that I served in the USAF, it was spooky how our lives would intersect. In 1978, my Mom who had lived in Mission Hill all her life had open heart surgery and was dying. I waited for Father Ed at the Mission Church Rectory even though everyone told me that he "was too busy and probably would not be back for days" I stayed there for three hours waiting and when he came through the door I fell on his chest crying and asking for him to come and pray over my mom who was now in a coma... Father Ed looked tired but happy to see me and immediately told me to wait so that he could get his oils and we rushed to the intensive care at Brigham's hospital. As soon as he touched my mom she became rigid and alive like electricity passing thru her. He gave her that last rites and helped us pray for her as they turned off all the equipment. Because of Father Ed's kindness my mom died in peace and with God. Finally, as was the case in the past, I was visiting my aunt who lives in West Roxbury and she told me that father was in the German Center not far from her home. My wife and I went there but the people at the center just laughed at us as only family was allowed to visit. I explained that I had come a long way to see Father from the Middle East and a kind lady overheard our conversation. It turned out that it was Father Ed's niece and she escorted us up to see father. As soon as he saw me, he lit up like a Christmas tree, he was surrounded by the other patients listening to the Rosary on television. We reminisced about the earlier years, about the adventures of the vocation club and his generosity with others. We ended by him saying a prayer for us even though he had trouble speaking. I will never forget Father Ed and I look forward to seeing that bright Irish smile again when he greets me on the other side. Father pray for us all that we can be as good a servant of Christ as you were and hear the words from Christ that we all want to hear: "Well done my good and faithful servant"!! We will miss you. Roy Barnett

2/16/2008 John Sizing
Wellesley, MA, USA
Father, God Bless You. Thank you many times over. I cry tears of joy knowing that Irene has company in heaven. John & girls

2/19/2008 Mary Margaret McGovern
Dover, MA, USA
With deepest sympathy, Mary Margaret McGovern

2/23/2008 Phyllis Vance
Weymouth, Ma, USA
Dear Joan, Bill and family, I am so very sorry that I was not able to attend the wake and funeral, I was away when I recieved the news and could not get back in time. Please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I will always cherish the wonderful memories I have of Uncle Edward, from early childhood on through to officiating at my wedding, the Christening my son and all the fun that was inbetween and followed. I was recently going through my wedding pictures and seeing the wonderful smiles of him and Aunt Rita, and all of you. You all have my deepest sympathy, for he will be truly missed. Much love, Phyllis Vance and family



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