1/29/2008 Ram Nayak
Tucson, AZ,
I am so sorry for your loss. Eadie was a very sweet woman and with her passing on some sweetness has gone from the world. At least there is comfort in knowing that she is in peace now. Thinking of you all. Ram

1/29/2008 Jerry Bowen
Chelsea, Massachusetts, USA
Kevin, and the entire Griffiths Family, I was so sorry to hear that your Mom had passed away. My deepest sympathy to you, your Dad and your family. May Eadie rest in peace. Jerry Bowen

1/29/2008 Danny & Dorothy Whittle
Fareham, Hampshire, U.K.
We would like to offer our sympathy to Gil, Patti, Barbara, and Kevin in your sad loss. She fought the good fight bravely. We treasure the time spent with you all. God Bless. Danny and Dorothy.

2/2/2008 Yvonne Moschella
Hyde Park, MA,
Kevin and entire Griffiths family, I am very sorry to hear of your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Yvonne Moschella

2/19/2008 Martin B Kraft
, ,
Gil, Kevin, Sorry for your loss, In time beautiful memories will comfort you both. Marty Kraft and family



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