I would like to take the time to mention that Mike was my buddy in Chemistry last year (2006-2007). He welcomed me when I moved here in October & was a fun, and outgoing person to talk to. I never hung around with Mike, but did know him at school. He will be a loss at Pinkerton Academy & will be missed by myself and many others! RIP Mike David Brophy

Posted: 9/15/2007 by David Brophy of Derry, NH, USA

Kenny and Diana, Please except our thoughts of sorrow in your loss. This is a difficult time for you and your family. If there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to call. Home 774-501-1036 Cell 508-521-8328 Sincerely, John Rooslet and Family

Posted: 9/16/2007 by John R. Rooslet of Taunton, MA, Unite States

Kenny, Diana & Caroline, We are so so sorry for your loss. Our memories of Michael go back to when we all lived in Randolph and Michael was the cutest little redhead with freckles you'd ever want to meet. The kids had so many great and fun times together. Life brings everybody down different paths when they move and grow but the memories never fade. We all remember when we had a sleepover at our house and Michael got caught in the rug with a fishing hook and the ambulance, fire trucks and police all had to come get him loose at 3am. We had the volleyball games in the pool and the yearly cookouts for the kids birthdays. Keep strong on all of the nice memories. Michael will never be forgotten. Love Randi, Jaime & Stephanie

Posted: 9/16/2007 by Randi ROoslet of Lakeville, MA,

I Only Knew Mike For About A Year. I Met Him Last Year In Law Class. We Became Friends Instantly. When I Had Found Out This Horriable News I Just Couldn't Believe It At First. It Brought Tears To My Eyes, I Thought It Was A Lie. And I Wish It Was. I Am Going To Miss Him Horriably. And Just The Thought Of Him Not Being Their Anymore Kills Me. I Hope His Familey, Friends And Every One Else Is Okay. All My Condolences E. Alyssa Gianitsopoulos

Posted: 9/16/2007 by E. Alyssa Gianitsopoulos of Derry, NH,

Ken and Diana, Please accept our condolences. To loose a child has to be a parents' worst nightmare. Know that we are here for you. Remember the good times and believe that he is in a much better place. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Love, Lloyd and Linda

Posted: 9/16/2007 by Lloyd & Linda of Plaistow, NH, USA

Diana, I 'm so sorry for your loss.Words can't express the sadness in our hearts for you & your family. We are here for you please let us know how we can help. Michelle & Brina Healy

Posted: 9/16/2007 by Michelle & Brian Healy of Londonderry, NH, Rockingham

Diana & Ken, Please accept my condolences of your great loss. As a grandmother, my heart grieves for you. God bless. Irene Bourque

Posted: 9/16/2007 by Irene Bourque of Salem, NH,

Fox Family: My heart goes out to your family at a time of such sadness and loss. You are in my prayers. Amie Varney Epping Office/Pru Verani

Posted: 9/16/2007 by Amie Varney of Brentwood, NH,

I knew mike since 6th grade, he wasz the new kid who everyone knew.I saw him all the time around school and last year he wasz in my history class. He was alwaysz in my group to do tests and all ii can remember isz all the things we laughed about. Candice laughing at his jokes. He was alwaysz screaming the most hilarious thingsz in and jessie alwaysz laughed like crazy. He wasz such a great kid and ii just wish ii could look back in time and be there again, talking to him...looking at him and telling him how great of a person he wasz. I feel like if i go back to that history classroom he'll be there, smilling and just waiting to tell another joke. It's so unreal to me and i'd give anything to change this truth. Like all our friends are saying...Mike wherever you are i hope your truly happy. I miss you and will never forget you. <3

Posted: 9/16/2007 by Stephanie DeLuca of Derry, , USA

Dear Diana and Family: Words cannot express the sympathy this brings to you at this untimely and sad time. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Sincerely, Kathy and Bob Lee (Prudential Verani/Leddy Fields)

Posted: 9/16/2007 by Kathy Lee of Londonderry, NH, USA

Diana: I was shocked and deeply saddened to learn of your Sons death. I am so sorry. My heart aches for you and your family at this time of loss. Please be assured of my prayers for you at this time. I cannot imagine your sorrow Diana. I cannot imagine what you must be feeling. I am so sorry. My words feel so inadequate but they come from my heart. Sincerely, Chip Sutton

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Chip Sutton of Londonderry, NH, USA

My wife and I want to pass on our condolences. We are at a loss for words. Ken and Diana, we are so sorry for this loss. -Michael & Julie MacIntosh

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Michael & Julie MacIntosh of Bradford, MA,

Mike's family.. I'm very sorry for your loss. I know I cannot even begin to imagine what you are feeling, but I want you to know your son will be missed every day. He was a good kid. I met Mike on my 16th birthday, and I remember that because his 15th birthday was the very next day. I wish so much now that I spent a lot more time with him. He was one of the funniest people I've ever met, and he was so friendly. We weren't too close recently, but I saw him every morning for the past year. He always waved, said hello and how are you, and had a big smile on his face. I'm sure everyone else would agree that he was a blessing to us all. I miss him dearly, and I will always love and miss him. I want you to know, and I mean this very sincerely, your son will be remembered.

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Linds Wilson of Derry, NH,

I am the mother of a friend of Mike's. My heart goes out to you; I send you all my heartfelt love.May the God of all Comfort hold you close in His arms.I met Mike a couple of times, he was a gentle soul.Your pain and sorrow is shared by many, many residents of Derry and students at Pinkerton.

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Becky of Derry, NH,

Dear Fox Family, I am also the mother of one of Mike's friends. I only met him a few times and yourself once when you came to our house to pick him up one afternoon. He seemed like a really nice boy, genuine and funny. I can't imagine the depths of what you must be feeling, but our hearts and thoughts are with you. Diane and Steve Wilson

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Diane Wilson of Derry, NH, USA

Dear Fox Family, I am so saddened by your loss of Michael. Your loss is a tragedy and my heart breaks for you. If there is anything you need or anything at all I can do to help lessen your pain, I am here for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Take care and God Bless. My deepest sympathy, Shelly Cross

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Shelly of Derry, NH, USA

Please know that I am thinking of all of you at this time of sorrow. I am praying for each of you. God Bless you all!!! Love you, Sharon

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Sharon Hilfiker of Salem, NH,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you

Posted: 9/17/2007 by lori and michael akashian of natick, ma, usa

Although words may be of little comfort now, please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. In the saddness of your loss I hope you feel comfort from the love of those around you. My deepest condolences. Barbara Wright

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Barbara Wright of Derry, NH,

Mr. and Mrs. Fox. I am so sorry for your loss. I had Mike in my psychology class this year, and class will not be the same without him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Gina Santos of Derry, NH,

Diana, Ken and Caroline, We are so sorry to hear about Michael. He will be missed. You are in our thoughts and prayers. The Morrow Family

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Wendy Morrow of Derry, NH, USA

Dear Parents of Mike fox, I just wanted to say thanks to your son for sitting with me at a lunch table last year and I am really glad that, though a brief period of time, I got to know him somewhat. RIP Mike. I just want you to know he really made a difference

Posted: 9/17/2007 by Evan Michael O'Sullivan of Derry, New Hampshire, United States

mike, you and i had some good times in sociology. why did you have to go so young. you were such a good kid. i wish we wouldve hung out all those times we said we would. you know you were a lot smarter than you thought you were. im really dumb founded by your loss. you have always been a happy camper in my eyes haha. never saw you in a bad mood. do you remember mrs. oulette and how tim never said her name right? well i guess i should say good bye now but honestly i dont think its fair. you have a lot of unfinished business to attend to i hope you get to it in your next life. you have always been capable of many great things. For mikes family, im sorry i never got to meet you and im sorry im in rhode island this all came as a shock to me but no one could ever have been prepared. mike was amazing, so funny, he was just great. you brought a wonderful kid into this world and i thank you for allowing me the chance to meet him. im sorry for your loss. cassidy- i wanted to leave a black rose for him, i asked a friend to do so i hope she does.

Posted: 9/18/2007 by cassidy levada of derry, New Hampshire, USA

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. As a mother I don't know any words that would be able to comfort me at this time so I won't offer platitudes. Just know my heart and prayers for comfort go out to you.

Posted: 9/18/2007 by Linda Larson of Auburn, NH, USA

Mike, we all miss you. I'm sorry you had to go so soon. RIP, I miss you man.

Posted: 9/18/2007 by Stephen Lutz of Derry, NH, United States

To the Fox Family, I have met your family thru my sister Charlene and Derry cheerleading. Please accept my condolances for the loss of your son. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Posted: 9/18/2007 by Michelle W of Wilmington, Ma, USA

Dear Fox Family, Please accept our deepest condolences. We are so saddened by your loss and our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless, The Columbus' #7 Faith Drive...

Posted: 9/18/2007 by Ryan, Jessica & Avery Columbus of Derry, NH, USA

Mike, you were one of my best and I'm going to miss you so much. You are one of the most zany people I know and I loved showing you off to everyone--"This is Mike, isn't he so cute!? LOOK he actually has red hair!!" I miss you so much and I wish we had longer to be friends, we had something so good. "Paige how many gumballs did you ta-PAIGE YOU TOOK LIKE 50 GUMBALLS! OMG!" Thank you for everything you've done for me. I think of you everytime I "make an oopsie," lol. Someday I'll be better for you. Tic-tacs and slurpees, man. Tic-tacs and slurpees. Love you Foxy.

Posted: 9/20/2007 by Paige Palmer of Derry, NH, USA

Diane I am so very very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies to you, Ken and Caroline. Words are not enough but know that I care and am so very sorry. With warmest regards, Ramona

Posted: 9/20/2007 by Ramona Strojevs of Chester, NH, USA

To all of Mike's family, i am deeply sorry for your loss. i have known mike since 8th grade. he was in my social studies class. ever since i met him i knew that he was a funny kid with a great personality. he is missed by more people than he could have ever imagined. my only regret is that i did not seize the opportunity to get to know michael as well as i would have liked. my deepest in peace.

Posted: 9/21/2007 by Sasha Perry of Derry, New Hampshire, US

Dear Fox Family - We are deeply saddened to hear of the news. We will always remember the days when the boys played RYSA together. Think of the happy times. With our deepest sympathies, Anne, Tom, Josh and Sammi Lynch.

Posted: 9/22/2007 by The Lynch Family of Randolph, MA, Norfolk

Diana and Family - Please accept my deepest sympathies for your loss, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Shari Stephen

Posted: 9/22/2007 by Shari Stephen of Londonderry, NH,

We are parishoners at St. Thomas. I wanted you to know that Michael and your family are in our prayers.

Posted: 9/24/2007 by Christie Davis of Windham, NH,

Mike was one of my closest friends, after I met him through a mutual friend in seventh grade. He's a completely unforgettable kid. Memories with him continue to make me laugh through the tears, as I'm sure they do with others. We will all love and miss him, so so much. There isn't much else I can say that I haven't already said via myspace. Mr. and Mrs. Fox, thank you so much for being so kind to all of Mike's friends (including me), even while you're greiving. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say it's incredibly comforting and helpful.

Posted: 9/26/2007 by Bethany McMahon of Derry, NH, 03038

We send our deepest heartfelt sympathy during this time of great sorrow. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Mark & Sylvia HomeCheck Home Inspections

Posted: 9/26/2007 by Mark Raumikaitis of Derry, NH, USA



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